Pressure under right ribs.
I have a feeling of pressure under my right ribs. It is not pain, but a feeling that something is sitting there. Other than discomfort, it is not affecting me in any way. Via MRI, I have been diagnosed with a 7x4 cm benign hepatic hemangioma in segment 7 of my liver. My doctors are saying this discomfort is not caused by this cyst and now have me scheduled for an endoscopy. My gallbladder has already been removed. Is there any possibility the cyst in my liver is causing this pressure or are we doing the right thing by doing more testing? Has anyone else had experience with this type of discomfort?
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I hope you get better soon; I’m sorry this is happening to you.
Hi Vibecker,
I'm sorry to hear of your discomfort. That must be very irritating. I would suggest looking up the side effects of all your medications and procedures; (even the MRI) on the Mayo Clinic website. (You get real facts from the Mayo Clinic.) This may give you a clue as to what is happening.
You've had a lot of things done to your body. It could just be reacting.
Also could it be gas? Periodically I have gas on my chest that won't go away. I drink 1 tsp. or more of baking soda in a glass of water. You can add some lemon juice to make it taste better. This stuff tastes awful but it gets rid of gas very effectively. It is also a natural laxative. So, stay near the bathroom. I'm 76 and have used this for years; (thanks to my mom!). It is natural and works great even if it does taste bad.
Let me know how things work out for you. I'll remember you in my prayers.
Is there a group for people with low stomach acid?
Hi @dustycat52, I wasn't able to find any discussions on low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria) but there are a lot of discussions on digestive health that you might find helpful. Here is a list of the discussion in the Digestive Health Support Group:
Here is some information on the condition that may be helpful:
"Hypochlorhydria means your stomach isn't producing enough hydrochloric acid. Hyperchlorhydria means it produces too much. In the U.S., people most often attribute their digestive problems to hyperchlorhydria, and they often use medication to suppress their stomach acid."
--- Hypochlorhydria (Low Stomach Acid):
I had an endoscopy done about a month ago and they found a tumor on the third portion of the duodenum, sort of close to where the ducks would be for the pancreas. Sometimes I get a pain in my upper right quadrant kind of under my rib and I've been told that that can be from a backup or the pancreas being inflamed, or sludge backing up in there. They believe they caught the tumor somewhat early, but on one of the MRIs it stated that there was a suspicious subtle area that seem to possibly go through the wall of the intestine. That scares the hell out of me! I'm really tired to hear you're going through this but I think they're doing the right thing by doing the endoscopy. It could be so many things. There's so much going on in that area! When will you be having that done? Good luck, and I hope it turns out to be nothing serious.
Hi there, did you ever find out what was causing the pressure sensation under your rib? I am having the same thing... a sensation of something poking or pushing around my last two ribs on the right side. I also have hemangiomas that were just discovered recently and the largest is 5.5cm. I don't know how much of this is mental for me now knowing I have these growths but definitely feeling something in that area. It's not doubling over painful more of a discomfort. Thanks, and hope you have gotten some answers since your last post. Wishing you good health.