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No if you get that surgery ( which I did talk to a GI specialist surgeon about ) the problem is you can’t belch … nor throw up 🤢. I rarely throw up but I have such wet deep burps .

I have to get all this gas out of me 1000’s x a day . If it was trapped , no way I could survive.

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Replies to "No if you get that surgery ( which I did talk to a GI specialist surgeon..."

Al I can tell you is that I know the feeling 🥺, but a couple of my friends had that surgery for years already and are totally symptom free, at first for about a year or so you would feel like bloated because now gas would go to your stomach but they give you gas x to help you with that, the reason I had the surgery is because i have barrets esophagus which is pre-cancer and it could progress to cancer if I don't stop the acid that made me burp, and my sister had that surgery 20 years ago and she's totally fine thank God! So I'm hoping my symptoms get better within a couple of moths or so since my surgen has 100% success rates 🙏🏻🙏🏻, and of course this surgery HAS to be performed by a doctor with a lot of experience!