← Return to Arriving tonight...tests and surgery for endometrial adenocarcinoma

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@gynosaur42 At this writing I’m thinking you are in Rochester. How are your appointments going? Do you have a treatment plan? How are you feeling and how is your husband?

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Replies to "@gynosaur42 At this writing I’m thinking you are in Rochester. How are your appointments going? Do..."

I'll have one by the end of the day. Have had tests for everything imaginable and will meet with the team later to craft a forward plan. Surgery for the cancer is tomorrow and may or may not address other issues.

Thank you again!

Hi Helen,

Thank you for circling back. It's been so busy here that I haven't had a chance to log in to this group. For testing, I have done a lot.
Colonoscopy (b/c my mother's cancer had started in the colon)
Chest X-ray
Abdominal/Pelvic CT
Urodynamic studies
Allergy testing and consult due to my allergies to antibiotics they usually use in surgery
I have had the surgery and am recovering at the Residence Inn. They did a robotic laparoscopic hysterectomy, bi-lateral oophorectomy and salpingotomy, after which a different surgeon took over and did a retro-pubic medial urethral sling placement. All went well (with the exception that I was unable to pee initially and had to be taught to catheterize myself...very challenging!) and initial reports are that it's likely that there was no spread, but we won't know until the pathology reports come back.

I will never forget the kindness we've been shown by everyone here. We are slated to fly back home tomorrow and come back in 6 weeks for follow-up. I did request a referral to the women's menopause sexuality clinic and hope that both appointments can happen in the same time-frame. Other than being a little loopy while the aneasthesia continues to wear off, having swelling in my urethra that has made fully emptying my bladder a challenge, and having some trouble moving sideways, I'm doing remarkably well.
I'm trying not to think about what pathology reports will reveal, since there is nothing I can do about that just yet. I've spent my morning writing cards to send to friends and family members, thanking them for their support. This group, however, has been exceptional; I so appreciate the openness and authentic expressions of support I read here.

At some point prior to coming out here, I read about an online support group called Hyster Sisters. I find their website challenging to use, but did purchase a few supplies and am finding them extremely useful. I have a garment that I can wrap around my now-a-bit-swollen belly that has pockets in it so I can put gel packs in the freezer or microwave, depending on what feels good on my belly. I asked the care team whether I would need this and no one seemed to have heard about them, so I am wearing my very loosely, just because the warm packs stay in place and I feel better. That is a nice resource.

As an update, my daughter asked specifically not to be told when I would be in surgery, as she gets anxious thinking of me in pain. So, her wife, who thrives with lots of information, is communicating with me around medical details, while my daughter sends me photos of her kittens or meals she has created or plants she is growing. It seems to work for now and I am pleased on that score, as well. I'm hoping she'll feel comfortable to come back to Vermont to visit once I'm in a bit less tender shape.

Again, I can't say enough about the expertise, efficiency and kindness of everyone I've encountered here. Leaving (safe) Rochester will feel a little like jumping off a cliff tomorrow morning, especially if I have to continue self-catheterizing to empty my bladder (airlines most definitely do not consider this possibility when they design the lavatories in jets!) We've got a plan for that, though, too.

Again, I can't say thank you enough times for having found this group, which encouraged me to reach out to Mayo as a possibility. I would still be waiting back home, and wondering whether the cancer was spreading. Now I can say that I have done all that I could to reduce that possibility.

I am thinking of all who post here, feeling gratitude for your presence and sending my wishes and prayers for a return to excellent health.


Unrelated but I wanted to ask you if there is a post anywhere about
Pelvic Radiation Disease?
Thanks, Jean