← Return to Triple Negative Breast Cancer: What treatments are you having?

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What meds for infusion were you given for stage 4 tnbc ?

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Replies to "What meds for infusion were you given for stage 4 tnbc ?"

Welcome @clarke, I moved your message to this existing discussion:
- Triple Negative Breast Cancer: What treatments are you having? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/triple-negative-breast-cancer/

I did this so you can read through some of the previous posts and connect easily with other women living with triple negative breast cancer like @thielmann1 @olg1 @imlistening21 @lindaheard @mlk @gbnana @kk57 @leolion811 @seathink @jjhhdd @markagottlieb @kimann @sharonemma @asa13 and more.

Clarke, can you share more about you? What treatment is being suggested for you?