Failed prep for colonoscopy: What can I do?

Posted by robbinr @robbinr, Mar 21, 2016

I recently failed two preps for a colonoscopy, and I can't imagine putting myself through another attempted prep (stuff makes me hurl). Initially, prior to my 2nd failure to prepare, the PA put me on Raniditone - which is apparently just Zanactz - but now my heart burn is out of control!<br /> I wake every morning with a sinus-load of stomach acid. I already was taking emepresole (sp?) in the morning. This double-dose of anti-acids seems to be on its way to doing me in. BUT, if I don't take the Randitone - I get the original issue back, which is a horrible pinching pain in my side and massive diarrhea all day. I am at a loss.

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I am 72 with mulitiple autoimmune diseases. On Friday, I went for a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. I failed the prep. This is the second time within 3 weeks. Because of my first failure, my doctor had me do the following:
** start a low fiber diet for 2 weeks prior
** start taking Miralax nightly for 2 weeks prior
** switched to Senokot nightly 5 days prior
** start drinking clear liquid 2 days prior
** start the prep of Golytely -3/4 starting at 4:00 the day before & the other 1/4 on the morning of colonoscopy.
I started throwing up the prep after about 3 hours after starting to drink it. Threw up the morning of. I was dizzy, weak and so dry I couldn't talk. I went to the hospital thinking they would still do the colonoscopy. They got me into the surgery room, everything hooked up, oxygen on etc AND I started to dry heave. They immediately removed everything.
So, home I went. I am still having diarrhia and nausea. I can't go through this again! I have not problem having the procedure - it's the prep.

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I had a colonoscopy 33 years ago where I had to drink that entire gallon of stuff. I was dry heaving with every sip. It was like having one of those stomach viruses where you have diarrhea and throw up at the same time for HOURS. They found a polyp and they told me to do another colonoscopy in a year. Well I let 33 years go by bc that prep was such an awful experience. And now I have stage IV, inoperable colon cancer which has metastisized to my liver. I've learned a very hard lesson. SO my advice is to do whatever u have to do to get that colonoscopy. For my recent colonoscopy I asked for a different prep which was 2 days of liquid diet, take 6 laxative pills and then drink 2 bottles of this citrissy stuff. They were maybe 1/2 quart each. But after each one I had to drink 6 glasses of water which was worse than the citrissy stuff. I finished at 1PM (I took everything earlier than what they said so I would have more time to recuperate b4 the colonoscopy the next day). Despite finishing at 1 PM, I got violently ill 6 hours later throwing up citrissy stuff at 7PM. I will be having colon surgery soon and I'm sure I will have to clean out b4 that. I plan on begging for the pills. I will happily not eat for days b4 if that's what's needed. Anything other than drink so much of that stuff. Good luck. Please get that colonoscopy. Don't make the same mistake that I made.


I am 73 years old and had a colonoscopy combined with an EGD a little over 3 weeks ago. I had 3 colonoscopies over my lifetime before this, but, like you, I was really rattled by the prep. The best one I had used in the past was taking lemon lime flavored magnesium citrate in ginger ale but apparently the magnesium citrate was pulled off the market due to contamination. I had osmo prep pills before also but now they are not recommended due to sodium content. Since I had early earmarks of kidney disease I called the office of the nephrologist I saw and he recommended the Miralax and Gatorade combo- I ended up doing that. The day before the colonoscopy only clear liquids were allowed which was a piece of cake. Took 4 Ducolax about 5 p.m. and then 2 hours later had 4 glasses of Miralax mixed with glacier cherry flavored gatorade which has no red food color added. Early in the a.m. I decided I did not like the saline in the gatorade and put rest of the Miralax in water and drank the last 4 glasses that way. Even though it was gritty it was doable. I saw the pics the gastro dr. gave me and everything looked as clean as a whistle so evidently this approach worked for me. I had 0 polyps at all and, interesting, the dr. said he could see scars from where they had removed some about 10 years ago. If I can do it, you certainly can do it! Good luck to you!


I, too, had same reaction twice to the prep. As a result, am way overdue for Colonoscopy and refuse to go through that again.
Am 80 yrs. old.
Any comments would be appreciated.
Thank you.

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I am 75 years old and have taken the move of not having another Colonoscopy and/or Prep ever again. I have enough other issues to worry about. I now feel like I have done the right thing. The Prep is very bad!


I am 72 with mulitiple autoimmune diseases. On Friday, I went for a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. I failed the prep. This is the second time within 3 weeks. Because of my first failure, my doctor had me do the following:
** start a low fiber diet for 2 weeks prior
** start taking Miralax nightly for 2 weeks prior
** switched to Senokot nightly 5 days prior
** start drinking clear liquid 2 days prior
** start the prep of Golytely -3/4 starting at 4:00 the day before & the other 1/4 on the morning of colonoscopy.
I started throwing up the prep after about 3 hours after starting to drink it. Threw up the morning of. I was dizzy, weak and so dry I couldn't talk. I went to the hospital thinking they would still do the colonoscopy. They got me into the surgery room, everything hooked up, oxygen on etc AND I started to dry heave. They immediately removed everything.
So, home I went. I am still having diarrhia and nausea. I can't go through this again! I have not problem having the procedure - it's the prep.

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Is it possible you have a blockage somewhere ??? The night my bowel burst I was vomiting and wondering why nothing was coming out the other end. If I only knew.....bowel blockage that burst and sepsis. I never even felt like anything was wrong.


I am so sorry to hear about your challenges. I am not a healthcare provider but have experienced GI issues for many years. Another patient on this portal posted about taking tablets instead of drinking the fluid for the Colonoscopy prep. You may want to ask your doctor about SUTABS. Here is the link:
You can also ask your doctor about doing a cologuard test which is from a poop sample so does not require a prep. You can also ask your doctor about Ondansetron to help with the nausea but I'm not sure how this affects the prep but your doctor would know. I found this medication to help quickly with nausea but it does slow down the track and so it can lead to constipation. At least that is what I experienced. I hope you find a solution. I have lost many friends to colon cancer. Sending you positive thoughts.

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@sharonokay @epm @annabelle1245

I have had a few colonoscopies the past 12 years- also sluggish motility. I have failed prep all the time and have to start over. The last one 2021 was almost clean the second time. I also get sick from the prep. Severe nausea- I’m allowed to take ondansetron but it slows everything down.
I’m 78 and told myself I’m not going through that prep again. It takes me 2 weeks to recuperate.


I am so sorry to hear about your challenges. I am not a healthcare provider but have experienced GI issues for many years. Another patient on this portal posted about taking tablets instead of drinking the fluid for the Colonoscopy prep. You may want to ask your doctor about SUTABS. Here is the link:
You can also ask your doctor about doing a cologuard test which is from a poop sample so does not require a prep. You can also ask your doctor about Ondansetron to help with the nausea but I'm not sure how this affects the prep but your doctor would know. I found this medication to help quickly with nausea but it does slow down the track and so it can lead to constipation. At least that is what I experienced. I hope you find a solution. I have lost many friends to colon cancer. Sending you positive thoughts.

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Thank you so much for info about Sutab and Ondansetron. Really appreciate it.
I'm disappointed that my Dr. has never mentioned them. He must be aware of alternatives . . .
Has anyone heard about the FMT pill that hopefully will be approved April 26th this year? Just read a NYTimes article. It goes under name of SER-109 and is lab-manufactured by Seres Therapeutics in Mass.


Here are my instructions for my prep. Does this sound right? Drink half the gallon, take 2 ducolax later that day, day of procedure finish the rest of the half gallon of prep 4 hrs before procedure.
1 Day Before Your Procedure:
You may have only clear liquids to eat or drink all day long. You may not have any solid foods or dairy products, and you may not eat or drink anything that is red or purple. The more clear liquids you drink, the better off you will be. See attached “Clear Liquid Diet Suggestion” sheet.
Do not drink any alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours before the procedure.
Do not take any other laxatives such as: Lomotil, Imodium, Effer-syllium, Metamucil, Citrucel, Konsyl, Hydrocil, or FiberCon.
In the morning, mix the Nulytely prep with the flavor packet (if applicable) and one gallon of water, shake well to mix, and refrigerate to chill. If preferred, you may add some Gatorade, Powerade, or crystal light (no red, orange, or purple) with the water to add flavor, without adding more than one gallon of fluid to the prep. Do not further dilute the prep in any way.
At 4:00 pm, start drinking half of the Nulytely prep. Drink one large (8-10 oz.) glass every 10-15 minutes until ½ of the gallon is gone. Using a straw to finish the drink may be helpful.
In most cases, loose, liquidy bowel movements will begin within 30 minutes to one hour. You should remain within easy access of a bathroom. Continue to drink the prep regardless of stool frequency. It is normal for this to cause chills.
You will drink half of the Nulytely prep now. The remaining 1/2 gallon will be used tomorrow. Put the remaining prep solution in the refrigerator.
Continue to drink clear liquids throughout the evening (see “Clear Liquid Diet Suggestion” sheet).
At 7:00 pm, take 2 Dulcolax laxative tablets. It is normal for this to cause some abdominal cramping.
Should you experience rectal irritation due to frequent stooling, you may apply Desitin, Balmex, Vitamin A&D ointment or other similar product to the irritated area.

Day of Your Procedure:
Starting 4 hours before your procedure drink the remainder of Nulytely prep over 1 hour, drinking one large (8-10 oz.) glass every 10-15 minutes until it is gone.
Do not eat anything after you finish the prep.
You must not have anything to drink 2 hours before your arrival.
You will be informed by the Pre-admission Testing nurse which medications to take the morning of your procedure with a small sip of water only. Do not take any other medications until after your procedure.
In the morning, your stools should have a clear to see-through cloudy yellow appearance with no formed substance. If your stools are darker or have formed substance, please call the location where your procedure is scheduled to be done and ask for the pre-op nurse, who will get further instructions from your physician.


I am 72 with mulitiple autoimmune diseases. On Friday, I went for a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. I failed the prep. This is the second time within 3 weeks. Because of my first failure, my doctor had me do the following:
** start a low fiber diet for 2 weeks prior
** start taking Miralax nightly for 2 weeks prior
** switched to Senokot nightly 5 days prior
** start drinking clear liquid 2 days prior
** start the prep of Golytely -3/4 starting at 4:00 the day before & the other 1/4 on the morning of colonoscopy.
I started throwing up the prep after about 3 hours after starting to drink it. Threw up the morning of. I was dizzy, weak and so dry I couldn't talk. I went to the hospital thinking they would still do the colonoscopy. They got me into the surgery room, everything hooked up, oxygen on etc AND I started to dry heave. They immediately removed everything.
So, home I went. I am still having diarrhia and nausea. I can't go through this again! I have not problem having the procedure - it's the prep.

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Mirilax and gatorade is much easier..I was able to get it down..I was unable to do the Golytely..lots of nausea..i was already so sick anyhow..ask for the mirilax and gatorade instructions. Kitty2


I, too, had same reaction twice to the prep. As a result, am way overdue for Colonoscopy and refuse to go through that again.
Am 80 yrs. old.
Any comments would be appreciated.
Thank you.

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I am 75 years old and have always had colonoscopies every five years, give or take. The Prep is the worst thing I have ever endured and I have now decided I will not be having another Prep in my life time. I have had my fair share.


I am so sorry to hear about your challenges. I am not a healthcare provider but have experienced GI issues for many years. Another patient on this portal posted about taking tablets instead of drinking the fluid for the Colonoscopy prep. You may want to ask your doctor about SUTABS. Here is the link:
You can also ask your doctor about doing a cologuard test which is from a poop sample so does not require a prep. You can also ask your doctor about Ondansetron to help with the nausea but I'm not sure how this affects the prep but your doctor would know. I found this medication to help quickly with nausea but it does slow down the track and so it can lead to constipation. At least that is what I experienced. I hope you find a solution. I have lost many friends to colon cancer. Sending you positive thoughts.

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I am 70 yrs old and just did the Su Tabs prep. Prep has always been terrible for me, lasting all night and no sleep at all. However, this time was the absolute worst. By the time morning came I was crying and bleeding from lesions. It felt like acid coming out of me. During the colonoscopy ( I could barely get dressed to go to the procedure) I apparently had an acid reflux event which ultimately ended up in pneumonia. But what I learned from reading my colonoscopy report was that I had a “tortuous colon” that made the colonoscopy “difficult”. This was the first time anyone had ever said this and I had had a few miserable colonoscopies before this. Apparently this explains why it took so long to complete the prep because a tortuous or redundant colon is much longer and twistier than the average so it takes twice as long for me to process food ( or colon prep). Also explains why I have always had constipation problems! Might check into this if you have colonoscopy prep problems.

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