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My husband is a diabetic, testing sugar by his fingers four times a day. He tests only 3 fingers, not the others because he has problems with motor coordination. His handwriting looks like chicken scratch, really. But after pricking his 3 fingers for several years, he has developed horrible pains in those three fingers. He was referred by his endocrinologist to a rheumatologist. His diabetes doctor didn't think his pain was from pricking his fingers, but in my mind there is no other conclusion. I wasn't there when he spoke to her, so don't know exactly what was said. But then he saw the rheumatologist who diagnosed him with Dupuytren. However, from looking up about Dupuytren, I see in the description that the fingers are usually bent. His fingers are not bent, just always in horrible pain. He didn't tell the rheumatologist that those are the only 3 fingers he pricks every day. I guess I need to speak to the doctor or his nurse, but this doctor doesn't have a real good reputation on the internet. So I doubt I'll get a good answer.

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Replies to "My husband is a diabetic, testing sugar by his fingers four times a day. He tests..."

Hello @cindiwass

I would encourage you, as did @ethanmcconkey, to get a second opinion from another rheumatologist in your area. It is very important to feel trust in the medical team you are using. If you need help finding another doctor you can contact your insurance company and see if they have a recommendation.

Do you know of another specialist that you could see?

@cindiwass, My husband has Dupuytren Contracture, and for him there is no pain. He does not have diabetes. He noticed it when his fingers would not release when he made a fist or closed his hand, PCP sent him to orthopedist who wanted to do surgery. However hubby chose to seek a 2nd opinion with a hand surgeon. In my husband's case, one of the tests was whether he could place his hand flat on a surface.
I also think that 2nd opinion with a different rheumatologist sounds like a good idea.