I have a disease called multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 (MEN-1)

Posted by haetherann @haetherann, Oct 1, 2011

I have a disease called multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 and I have recently received some upsetting news. I don't know anyone else who has gone through or is going through tough health issues. I have gotten three pretty major diagnoses in two weeks all stemming from this disease andvi am having a terrible time dealing with it. Im terrified and sad and angry and I feel like noone around me can relate. I desperately need someone who understands.

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I was diagnosed with MEN 1 just over a year ago and I've just recently turned 23. Been getting scans done every few months and check ups. But in the last few months my mood has been like a rollarcoaster, up and down. Just wondering if anyone has experienced mood swings (feelings of sadness and irritation) and these feelings aren't even triggered by anything like a bad memory or anything like that, the only way I can describe it as is a light switch, literally. One minute I'm calm, happy and then I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. If anyone can give feedback on similar symptoms that I feel personally are related to MEN 1 please do reply.

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