← Return to Excruciating chronic left side neck pain plus lumbar issues

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Hi jm1,
Thanks for the support once again.
You have the luxury to lie down and probably sleep or probably not. My pain won't let me lie down. When lying down my pain is at its worst, standing his better but I can't fall asleep that way. I didn't call the ambulance I just kept using an the ice pack.

Yesterday I wasn't able to manage my pain with 20mg of Oxycodone and Amytripiline.

My problems are not only cervical but also some thoracic and right nerve impingement L2/3, L3/4. Yesterday I was used la Tens machine for the first time to relieve some neck pain but it made it worse and now all my right hand side is burning bad inside. Have I done some damage to the nerves, joints and soft tissue? Or is it just inflammation? Will it get better? I am so annoyed with myself because maybe I should have used it on a lower setting.

I can't drive a car or catch public transport due to the pain which makes it difficult to go to doctors appointments.

I didn't need this one.


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Replies to "Hi jm1, Thanks for the support once again. You have the luxury to lie down and..."

Hi Alfred
Feeling for you and the lack of sleep is adding to your pain cycle. The only time I dare use a tens is when my pain is very low. When raging pain and inflamed, I too learned the tens made it worse no matter the setting. The way I look at it is, you are electrifying something that is already electrified and adding to your inflammation problem. There is another current called interferential which helps heal, much different than tens. When I am this bad acupuncture doesnt make a dent or help .Once again I will suggest you speak to your dr to change your medications as I recommended on earlier thread. And yes, you should be able to take Tylenol with your current meds , research shows nsaid and tylenol combined are ok and have increased pain relief benefit. but not Excedrin as it is got aspirin in it and would bleed your stomach in combination with you nsaid (the diclofenac) . And no nsaid is allowed after steroid injection.,if he indeed dr did use a steroid in your recent injection. Hope this helps. Was on ice myself last nite and this morn. God Bless.