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Hello Sherry,
Thank you for sharing! I am sorry you are having issues with lying flat! Why is that?

First of all, why did you have this procedure. Was it 100% necessary? Did they biopsy your tumor and was it cancerous?

My case is in the "grey" area and i am wondering if I really want to go through this major surgery. What was the most challenging part of your recovery and how soon afterwards did you feel 100% back to normal. Also, did you have draining tubes for an extended period of time?

I would so love to connect with you via email if at all possible for some additional questions if you would be open to added sharing.

Thank you kindly,
Kate Coleman

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Replies to "Hello Sherry, Thank you for sharing! I am sorry you are having issues with lying flat!..."

What actually is the gray area .Is it biopsies aren't testing cancerous??I believe my husband maybe in the gray area as well.He is unable to get MRI because of his pacemaker is hindering his diagnosis.God bless !!Interested in your case .

Hi Kate,
I had the surgery as I had a malignant pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in the head/neck of the pancreas that tripled in size over a 2 year period. I chose to have the surgery, as pancreatic cancer is often known as the silent killer. I didn't want to have to continue to worry about it, which is why I chose to have the surgery. (I have also had lung cancer, so I didn't want to take any chances). My tumor and lymph nodes were tested during surgery, which is when they were able to grade my tumor. Yes, I underwent 4-5 biopsies prior to the surgery. Interestingly, biopsies 1-4 showed that the tumor was benign, but biopsy 5 showed that it had become malignant. The most challenging part of recovery was lying flat in bed. The recovery isn't horrible, it just lays you up for about a week or so. I was feeling like myself at about 3-4 weeks out. I will be honest though- your abdomen will be bruised, and sort and you may walk around holding it while you walk. But that goes away quickly. I did have a nasal gastric tube to drain bile for 1-2 days and then it was removed. (It's not horrible, but my nose itched constantly.) I would be happy to connect with you via email or private message.
Stay encouraged and know that you have a huge support network here at Mayo Connect.

Warmest Regards,

I had the distal pancreadectomy 12/7/2022. One drain was out after about 3 days. Home on 4th day. Sore mid section of course but routine of OTC pain meds handled except once when I took a tramadol. Did hurt when I laughed for about 4 weeks and some pain down my left side and in my shoulder. Also very extended belly for awhile due to has used for the Lap surgery. I believe my recovery was good due to two things:
An excellent surgeon

My surgeon has a dietician on staff. I see her every visit. She advised I buy expedite and drink one daily for 6 days up to the surgery and that it would speed the healing process. I believe it did!
I am now scheduled for liver surgery this upcoming Monday and am drinking one a day. It is a “medical food” with concentrated collagen dipeptides. You might ask about it