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@cindiwass I know your fears are real and so are mine. I was in so much pain with my first hip replacement that I was completely bed ridden. Two steps to the potty chair was excruciating. A shower or bath was for the most part out of the question. But when I did I cried the whole time. If I found a spot I could get comfortable in the bed I wouldn’t move an inch for fear of the pain. It was horrid! I finally was able to
Get insurance and I basicly called a surgeon saw him once and jumped up On the table. Recovery was lengthy for me as I got an infection. But I have to do it again now but can’t seem to quit smoking. I didn’t realize how despondent you become on nicotine. Plus I’m scared to death to do it all over again. Although I will cause I want to walk again and it’s becoming more and more painful. Not to mention how draining it is on my partner. I’ve been dealing with this since 2019. So all that said . Prepare for your surgery. I’ll be doing the same soon too. If you don’t have a good diet then get some endure or boost and drink the week prior. You want your body healthy as much as possible. Vitamins and supplements aren’t such a bad idea either. The healthier you are the easier and quicker you’ll recover. No smoking a month prior. No dental work. No pets on the bed. Wash everything on the bed or recliner where ever you
Post up. A week or at least three days prior back yourself down a little
Bit off your pain meds. I don’t know about where you are but here they don’t give anything except for tramadol or Tylenol or gabapentin. Reason your backing down is so your body won’t be so used to all the
Pain meds and when you have surgery and need the pain meds they will be more effective. I’ll pray they give you something a little stronger.

Well that’s all I can think of for now. You can do this! If I can anyone can. I’ll say a special pray for you as well. Good luck and keep us posted.

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Replies to "@cindiwass I know your fears are real and so are mine. I was in so much..."

Thanks Darlas. I quit smoking 6 months ahead of surgery and have not gone back. Smoking will almost certainly affect the quality of recovery. So my advice to smokers is to quit and stay quit (even if you're not having a joint replacement!).

I did use Chantix to help me and it worked. There are side effects though and it may not be for everyone. Worst side effect was very weird dreams.