bone density medication while on anastrozole

Posted by kamra @kamra, Feb 10, 2023

How do you feel about going on medicine for your bones when you are taking anastrozole or similar? My bone density scan showed osteopenia (I'm 67 and small so no surprise). The "neck" score was -2 and that was the worst. The others were fine. I really don't want to go on more medication, but I know that the anastrozole can be hard on bones. What is your experience?

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But no drugs for it yet? Thanks.

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No drugs at this point. I’ll know more in April. Just mitigation strategies right now. D3, Calcium ( mostly food) K2, weight bearing . I started with goid bone density and I’m in my 70’ s so… hope I can hold on to my bones!


I was diagnosed with osteopenia about a year ago. On my Dr’s advice I stopped all calcium supplements and get 1380 mg calcium from my diet. I drink an 8oz glass of “Silk”unsweetened vanilla flavor (I add Splenda) in the am & pm which gives me 940 mg calcium then at lunch I have 2 slices Swiss cheese ((from Sams as not all Swiss provides as much calcium) with a few crackers which gives me another 440 mg. That provides 1380 mg calcium daily. Dietary calcium is absorbed so much better than supplemental tablets but it does need to be spread out during the day) I still get some from my centrum silver but get all I need from dietary sources.
I also take Actonel once monthly! Haven’t had another Deca Scan yet but fingers crossed😊. Hope this helps.


Thank you. I'll check those suggestions out. I'm paying attention to nutrition like never before. I find it so hard to get 1200 mg of calcium from food. I'm at about 60 percent, maybe, with yogurt, calcium oj, nuts, veggies, milk, cheese. Lots of dairy. I wonder what will happen to my cholesterol.

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Aromatase inhibitors can raise blood cholesterol by 50-100 points unfortunately. But your lipid profile is the most important to look at. Some people go on statins, just depends.


I was diagnosed with osteopenia about a year ago. On my Dr’s advice I stopped all calcium supplements and get 1380 mg calcium from my diet. I drink an 8oz glass of “Silk”unsweetened vanilla flavor (I add Splenda) in the am & pm which gives me 940 mg calcium then at lunch I have 2 slices Swiss cheese ((from Sams as not all Swiss provides as much calcium) with a few crackers which gives me another 440 mg. That provides 1380 mg calcium daily. Dietary calcium is absorbed so much better than supplemental tablets but it does need to be spread out during the day) I still get some from my centrum silver but get all I need from dietary sources.
I also take Actonel once monthly! Haven’t had another Deca Scan yet but fingers crossed😊. Hope this helps.

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@joanly The SILK brand milks have added calcium carbonate (like Tums) so are they any different from getting calcium from supplements? Is there any food-based natural calcium in any of them?


No drugs at this point. I’ll know more in April. Just mitigation strategies right now. D3, Calcium ( mostly food) K2, weight bearing . I started with goid bone density and I’m in my 70’ s so… hope I can hold on to my bones!

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Just did a 24 hour urine collection for calcium . Results came back high , just over 400!
I did this in prep for mitigation appt with endocrinologist.
Have not spoken to primary doc. who signed off on my request.

Worried that my bones are dumping calcium ! This can be side effect of AI .

Anyone else have similar issue?


Just did a 24 hour urine collection for calcium . Results came back high , just over 400!
I did this in prep for mitigation appt with endocrinologist.
Have not spoken to primary doc. who signed off on my request.

Worried that my bones are dumping calcium ! This can be side effect of AI .

Anyone else have similar issue?

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Is your parathyoid okay?


Is your parathyoid okay?

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It is in normal range … 64 in a range where 77 is top of normal and 16 was low normal.


Is your parathyoid okay?

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Thank you for your concern and I know you have run the course on these bone issues and are well informed. So.. that was a very good question and I was happy to have had that result… my calcium was high normal too.


@joanly The SILK brand milks have added calcium carbonate (like Tums) so are they any different from getting calcium from supplements? Is there any food-based natural calcium in any of them?

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I agree with this and believe they have little or no food source natural calcium. Since silks milk are made from nuts and grains, and coconut. But I don’t believe it would be worse than taking a supplement.
They really could use some serious research into calcium sources and what helps the body utilize them better. This is such an active topic among those of us on endocrine therapy.
I have to assume that there is more than one way to the top of this mountain.
After years of taking assorted bone meds and being bumped from the roster at the oncology infusion room in favor of those needing chemo. I am back to taking calcium and vitamin D supplements and praying for the best.
Riding older horses these days lol

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