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Hello! I am still so confused on what to do and so appreciative of all your comments. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone in this struggle.
I’ve been on Roisedronate for two years after a year of Forteo. I now need to do something else because I have developed severe heart/GERD issues & found I have esophagitis.
My endocrinologist recommended Reclast or Prolia (also mentioned Evenity). I finally decided on Reclast but a few days before the infusion appointment, I canceled.
I read too much! And I’ve had friends who have had side effects from all. I have been off meds since Oct. My scores are not good (-3.7) & I have severe scoliosis. I know time is of the essence but I have so much anxiety about every one of these drugs!!!

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Replies to "Hello! I am still so confused on what to do and so appreciative of all your..."

Hi Diane,
Thank you for sharing your story. I have severe scoliosis as well and my score is quite a bit worse than yours. Did you see any improvements with forteo?
Trying to decide between forteo or evenity.

I have completed 6 months of Evenity. Yes, I have had side effects beginning after my second month. Fatigue, some insomnia, joint aches, decrease appetite. I have continued exercising and walking 3+ miles a day. The medication decision is hard. We are all caught between a rock (the osteoporosis will not improve doing nothing) and hard place (starting medication). All we can do is make the best decision possible at the moment. I pray you make a decision soon.