Untreated Bipolar/BPD sibling falsely tells her family I steal

Posted by mercerspring @mercerspring, Feb 12, 2023

My eldest sibling (18 years older- so not raised together) has been diagnosed by Mayo as bipolar with BPD - she, however feels they are wrong and refuses all treatment. As a family we are used to her always being mad at someone ( it alternates) or storming off from various family gatherings (although we’re never quite sure what triggers it) and have adapted ( AKA- while around her on a bad day we tread carefully ). She is smart, creative and a hard worker. She does complain a lot - relentlessly the victim of something ( usually her own choices) or someone ( she seems to think everyone is discriminating against her for being an older woman). Recently I found out that even though I go to lunch with her occasionally and she drops by for visits and texts me a few times a week - she has been at the same time telling her family ( over and over for months) that I am sneaking into her house to steal things when she is out ( huh?!?) . I happened to oversee a text this past weekend that she sent her daughter telling her she just couldn’t handle the stress of it ( note: I’ve been to her home twice this year by invitation). My niece won’t tell me more as she says it would only upset me and they all understand she’s lying ( she finally admitted that most things were in regards to how terrible my adult children are, as humans and to me - FALSE! I have a close and loving relationship with my kids and they are kind to me ). I could go on with examples- but you get the point. Kind to my face and even seeking me out while saying terrible things about me behind my back ( right when I was telling everyone how great she was doing and how much I enjoyed her company ). I understand she can’t necessarily control it and I understand that she may not even be aware of how illogical the things she accuses me of are - so I try to be patient and kind. But do I really need to be in contact with someone who on the best of days mostly talks AT me and must I tolerate such the lies - no acknowledgment or apology will ever come. Last I texted her she said her kids made the whole thing up …. I saw the text as I was holding my nieces phone when it came thru ). She’s now FURIOUS at her daughter. I love her - but the stress she brings into my life is exhausting and hurtful. This is the 3rd time she accused me of stealing , but first time saying that a sneak into her home ( she also tells people I flip houses for a living - NO, I simply moved and that I had to move or my daughter was threatening to leave the state if I didn’t ( this is NOT the case at all - yet this lie she tells lots of folks… it’s so confusing!) . She is very intelligent and I fear that by living in a small town near her that she could obviously unjustly hurt my reputation. The bigger concern is - can the type of behaviors she is exhibiting towards me become dangerous? I am seriously wondering if I should move ( AKA: leave the state). Am I overreacting? I think yes - yet I am so incredibly unsettled by all this. I can tell you right now that she will never get help as she doesn’t have any problems ( just ask her ). Her diagnosis came from a 72 hour lock up situation from threatening to harm herself ( she says this often when she thinks her kids don’t love her - but it’s actually when they won’t abide by her demands) The one time I got her into a therapist, about 5 years ago, was to help her with the grief of her husband passing - but the counselor “fired her” after two visits ( awesome and qualified counselor I might add ). She can turn on the lovely and kindly ways as fast as the annoyed and demanding ways- and most people only see one side. ( … until!) Is this manipulation or has she no choice ? I don’t know how to handle this in a way that protects me ( and my stress level) while not aggravating her stress level ( she already has very high blood pressure). Does anyone have any ideas ?💙 I have read all the bipolar books and Walking on Eggshells. I think I need to truly walk away- but I’d feel so incredibly guilty as I can’t imagine anyone would behave like this by choice. And she’s my sister - and getting old… ARG! The dilemma of it all. If you have read to the end - I truly thank you.

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You should see a therapist or counselor or clergy that can help you find a perspective that is supportive for you and not focus on your sister. You can’t force someone into therapy unless they are an imminent threat to themselves or others. They will get into therapy eventually or they will not.


You should see a therapist or counselor or clergy that can help you find a perspective that is supportive for you and not focus on your sister. You can’t force someone into therapy unless they are an imminent threat to themselves or others. They will get into therapy eventually or they will not.

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I have a counselor - a marvelous one. Time to call her again. It was just such a shock to find her acting one way to my face and another behind my back- that goes beyond my comprehension and makes me wonder what else she would be capable of. And of course - as she can alternate between making lots of sense and being lovely to full out saying odd things and going off the wall, and chooses carefully who and where to act which way - I am concerned that she could spread horrible rumors in my small town. ( and could she possibly be thinking of my stealing from her as that what she has been doing to me ? ). And the guilt of removing myself as she is getting older. Will I be able to make peace with the situation of keeping away and then have something happen to her during that distance ? I’m gonna definitely need to get stronger ! Thank you for your reply.


I have a counselor - a marvelous one. Time to call her again. It was just such a shock to find her acting one way to my face and another behind my back- that goes beyond my comprehension and makes me wonder what else she would be capable of. And of course - as she can alternate between making lots of sense and being lovely to full out saying odd things and going off the wall, and chooses carefully who and where to act which way - I am concerned that she could spread horrible rumors in my small town. ( and could she possibly be thinking of my stealing from her as that what she has been doing to me ? ). And the guilt of removing myself as she is getting older. Will I be able to make peace with the situation of keeping away and then have something happen to her during that distance ? I’m gonna definitely need to get stronger ! Thank you for your reply.

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You are welcome but, I must say your response like your initial story paints yourself into a hole. Please seek help soon.


Have an appointment for tomorrow to get me out of that guilt hole !!!! Thanks for your concern . 😊

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