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Silent Reflux or LPR

Digestive Health | Last Active: Jan 15 6:49am | Replies (154)

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I was finally diagnosed in 2019 after so many tests. My GP was on Medical leave so another doctor in the practice ordered all the lung tests. I had shortness of breath, extreme excess phlegm, a feeling of something stuck in my throat, small bits of food getting stuck and chest pressure. The chest x-ray, cat scan and breathing tests made me relieved but did not solve any problem. I was prescribed Prednisone and that did partially clear my throat and relieve the chest pressure but my main symptoms persisted. I tried a few home remedies which did make me feel better temporarily. Next, I made an appointment with a Cardiologist. After EKG, Echocardiogram and a nuclear stress test found nothing I did not know where to turn to.

I was thinking Allergist and decided an ENT doctor would be better first. Well he knew pretty quick what it was. Trying to make a now sceptic patient believe it could be so simple as diet related took some convincing. He put the tube through my nose to my throat and prescribed Prilosec. I scoured the Internet for LPR which I did not know existed. At that time I did not have a great diet but consumed a lot of healthy food and drank lots of water. Every morning I made smoothies for myself and my kids. Like a lot of other people Apple Cider Vinegar was a regular part of my life. If you look even now you will still see that people swear by ACV to help with their acid problems. I stopped using ACV / water mix and kept it out of my smoothies at the same time I was taking the medication. Because I read a lot online I learned my other culprits as well. My afternoon espresso and the mint candies. I didn't seem to have a problem with tomatoes as long as they weren't mixed with spicy peppers. Not every LPR sufferer will have the same triggers. My life was saved by just food changes and 8 months of Prilosec. I will say that due to this issue and also high triglycerides I completely changed my diet. I don't think you need to go to extremes but I'm now Vegan - WFPB. ACV - even the smell makes me sick and causes my throat to burn. I actually do vomit if it's in anything I eat. I don't believe I'll ever be cured but it's very rare that I have symptoms now. I really do think ACV is so bad with anyone with LPR.

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Replies to "I was finally diagnosed in 2019 after so many tests. My GP was on Medical leave..."

I'm so pleased that you have found the answer to your problems. I will have to try harder with my diet, although I don't really think that it is too bad. I know a lot of people who have this problem but they are not usually as bad as I am. I've seen all the right Drs and had all the right tests including an endoscope which showed nothing. It is a weird but horrible disease. I haven't identified a lot of food items that make me bad because everything seems to make me bad. I have just started drinking low acid coffee and I hope this helps me in the morning. I find it so hard to wake up in the mornings without that one cup of coffee.

What does your diet consist of? What do you usually eat?

I see now that my thyroid nodes that didn't respond to leukemia meds was probably (and still is to a lesser extent now that I'm aware of reflux) due to the reflux and not due to medicine not working.....at least I think!

Hey there. May I ask how you are feeling now, and whether your shortness of breath ever comes back? I have been experiencing shortness of breath for 3.5 years and it's very likely that I also have LPR. Been through the same tests you've been through too. I believe it's mainly a matter of whether our stomach acids are considered low or high though, as both could lead to the same LPR-like symptoms, strangely enough. In my case, the PPI's did not work for me, in fact they made me feel worse. I started drinking diluted ACV because I suspected that my stomach acid levels were low not high - this was because I knew I had other low stomach acid symptoms like unintentional weight loss, hair loss, and iron deficiency. So far, replacing the PPI with ACV hasn't been too big of an issue - even when I eat my trigger foods. I just started but I think I also would like to believe that this might be the better way since PPI's didn't really work for me (especiallly for someone with low stomach acid)!