← Return to Diabetic coma - anyone else experienced this?

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Actually, you are doing a great job! You have reduced his A1C by over 20%. His blood glucose is on the high side, but with the pancreatectomy, his age and other medical problems, not surprising.

I do have a couple of suggestions - perhaps a referral to an endocrinologist - they are most accustomed to dealing with complex cases. It is possible the remaining pancreas needs more help than Trulicity - maybe even insulin. Have you seen an endocrinologist? This may be possible to do virtually if travel is difficult.

Second, problems with the remaining pancreas can occur. Has any imaging been done to see if there is any leak or obvious deterioration?

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Replies to "Actually, you are doing a great job! You have reduced his A1C by over 20%. His..."

Thank you so much, Sue.
I had thought about discussing a referral to an endocrinologist with our PCP who we will see in a couple of days.
He has an MRI and oncologist appointment scheduled next month because there is another cyst in the remaining (2/3) of the pancreas. I’m kind of dreading that. 😉
Thank you again.

PS. Is there an easy way to get back to one’s post to follow the conversation. I have just clicked on the Bookmark option so perhaps that’s it.