Peripheral nerve stimulators

Posted by sparshall @sparshall, Jan 14, 2020

This is a long shot, but I’m looking for people who have used implanted peripheral nerve stimulators (PNS) to control nerve pain. They block the pain signal to the brain. Stimrouter and Stimwave are major brands. These are NOT the same thing as spinal cord stimulators, of which there are many brands. I’m about to have a Stimwave implanted to block intractable pelvic and leg nerve pain.

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I had a Nalu stimulator placed in my right leg following a failed knee replacement and chronic pain for four years. I had 100% pain relief during the trial and immediately following the permanent implant. It is now only four months following the implant and I will have one great day then two terrible days with pain at 10/10 just like before implantation. Has anyone else experienced this? What have you done?


I have severe burning pain at the back of my neck ( which then spreads around the rest of my body).

It has been diagnosed as peripheral neuropathy but despite several years' treatment at the NHNN, the cause cannot be found. Symptomatic treatments have not worked.

SCS has been suggested.

Does anyone have experience of SCS and how successful it was?


I had a Nalu stimulator placed in my right leg following a failed knee replacement and chronic pain for four years. I had 100% pain relief during the trial and immediately following the permanent implant. It is now only four months following the implant and I will have one great day then two terrible days with pain at 10/10 just like before implantation. Has anyone else experienced this? What have you done?

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Hello @michelebar and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am sorry to read that you are not getting the consistent relief you had likely expected after the trial.

I wanted to bring you into a discussion on nerve stimulators, so you will notice I have moved your post here:
- Peripheral nerve stimulators:

Members such as @dhc684 @fredjan2016 @sparshall and @carolynbeers have mentioned experiences with the Nalu stimulator so am hoping they can come back to share an update with you.

Were you told during your trial that you may experience slightly less of a result once implanted?


I have severe burning pain at the back of my neck ( which then spreads around the rest of my body).

It has been diagnosed as peripheral neuropathy but despite several years' treatment at the NHNN, the cause cannot be found. Symptomatic treatments have not worked.

SCS has been suggested.

Does anyone have experience of SCS and how successful it was?

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Hello @jeffers613 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Spinal Cord Stimulators for PN are a topic that others have been discussing, so you will notice I have moved your post here for you to join them:
- Peripheral nerve stimulators:

I'd like to call in member @michelebar who has also recently joined to inquire about others' experiences with nerve stimulators, the Nalu to be specific.

Have you had a second opinion in your course of care so far? If so, I am curious if both opinions have pointed to SCS as the next viable option?


Hello @michelebar and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am sorry to read that you are not getting the consistent relief you had likely expected after the trial.

I wanted to bring you into a discussion on nerve stimulators, so you will notice I have moved your post here:
- Peripheral nerve stimulators:

Members such as @dhc684 @fredjan2016 @sparshall and @carolynbeers have mentioned experiences with the Nalu stimulator so am hoping they can come back to share an update with you.

Were you told during your trial that you may experience slightly less of a result once implanted?

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The surgeon told me that it would need tweaking by the vendor. He told me that I should expect 50-70% improvement in pain


I have severe burning pain at the back of my neck ( which then spreads around the rest of my body).

It has been diagnosed as peripheral neuropathy but despite several years' treatment at the NHNN, the cause cannot be found. Symptomatic treatments have not worked.

SCS has been suggested.

Does anyone have experience of SCS and how successful it was?

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I have found that working with a physical therapist specializing in neuropathy has helped me alot with learning daily exercises that improve my stamina and endurance-also taking a half pill of Effexor every 12 hours helps as well-I have peripheral neuropathy also_Mike storman


I am currently using Horizant 300mg 2x day for severe small fiber nerve pain. Has anyone tried the electrical spine stimulator for this condition?


I am currently using Horizant 300mg 2x day for severe small fiber nerve pain. Has anyone tried the electrical spine stimulator for this condition?

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Hello @romans8 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I wanted to introduce you to a discussion on nerve stimulators and members such as @michelebar @dhc684 @fredjan2016 @sparshall and @carolynbeers who can share more with you based on their experiences.

Has a nerve stimulator been recommended to you or are you leading the interest?


Hello @romans8 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I wanted to introduce you to a discussion on nerve stimulators and members such as @michelebar @dhc684 @fredjan2016 @sparshall and @carolynbeers who can share more with you based on their experiences.

Has a nerve stimulator been recommended to you or are you leading the interest?

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I was assessed for PNS 4 years ago when I fell on my right total knee replacement and fractured the tibial plateau under the replacement which caused significant pain down the outer side of my lower leg. The pain only worsened in spit of injections in the spine and in the knee so a stimulator was discussed. I had the Nalu stimulator placed October of 2022 which definitely has improved my QOL


I completed my Nalu peripheral nerve stimulator trial and, in short, it was successful. Immediately after they installed the wires, I was able to walk around the house for over 30 minutes. Over the next three days I could walk an hour and only have mild pain in my feet. A lot better than two minutes. On the fourth day I started having small electrical shocks in my right heel. I could only walk for 5 minutes. My left foot was fine, but my right foot would start hurting. The Nalu rep said the wires in my right leg must have moved slightly. On the seventh day the doctor removed the wires. The next day and since then I have missed the stimulators. So, my surgery is scheduled later in May to install the stimulator permanently.

The stimulators allowed me to stand and walk, but I still had the burning sensation in my feet. I had to continue taking the pain medication for the burning, but I can walk again. Potentially, a huge improvement in my quality of life.

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My doctors are suggesting us Nalu over other stimulators like the PNS Sprint or Stim Router. How are you feeling and doing now with the NALU?

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