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Hello Beth. Thanks so much for responding to my post. A bit more about my experience.

First time around, I began treatment November 2019 to April 2020, through a global pandemic! I had to close my practice and basically had to quarantine the entire time. So much loss.
Chemo meds for PC , (which I could not tolerate and ultimately and did not complete) were Fluorouracil, Oxaliplatin, Irinotecan on chemo days and 48 hour pump with Fluorouracil. SBRT radiation for pancreas and the new lung cancer that showed up.

I did have genetic testing and results showed a defective ATM gene which is a marker for breast cancer (which I've had twice), thyroid, lung and PC. All of which I have had. It's also a marker for liver cancer, which I've managed to avoid so far. The genetic testing was very helpful in understanding the why, but was equally devastating as I looked forward to the future.

I get it when people speak about quality of life. This has felt like a sucker punch.

The chemo meds now are Gemcitobine, and Abraxane. Although side affects are not as intense, they are nonetheless dibilitating.

I've decided to discontinue chemotherapy and will meet with my oncologist tomorrow to explore next steps.

The relief I feel is liberating. My husband supports me 100% and, at the same time, feels incredibly sad.

My next challenge will be sharing this decision with family and friends. We don't have children. I'll probably need some advice as to how to approach them with this.

Thanks for listening and I wish you all the best Beth. With gratitude, Breki.

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Replies to "Hello Beth. Thanks so much for responding to my post. A bit more about my experience...."

Dear Breki, thanks for sharing more about your situation. I'm genuinely interested in what you have been through and your decision-making process. I am so sorry you got such a s***** genetic throw of the dice. I have no genetic markers but my mom and sister both died of lung cancer. They were both heavy smokers.

I have been unusually fortunate to have had such a high quality of life for the last year. But if it turns out that I am having a recurrence, I am really not sure what direction I go.

If I'm ct DNA positive, there is one clinical trial with ELI-002 immunotherapy taking place at our nearby hospital at the University of Colorado, Anschutz in Denver that I would consider participating in.
I would also have the option of using gemcitabine with or without Abraxane. From my research and descriptions from my doctor's I would refuse the Abraxane, and I'm not sure I would do either one given the poor ris-benefit outcome data.
Still thinking it through and waiting to get the results of the CTDNA. More later ,

Thank you so much for firther info. Not sure who bet is bit im thinking you were responding to me.
I know my husband and children have left that final decision of whether to stop treatments will be up to me when time comes
Im not sure what my options will be. If any , But its encouraging that that you have come this far.
Hoping the chemo you have just done worked somewhat. But it is nasty stuff
Will be thinking about you stay in touch