← Return to Post Covid 19 and Pulmonary Fibrosis

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Thanks for your reply! My situation is very similiar to yours. My June and Dec CT scans said pretty much the same but the Dec said it was stable. My Jan PFT did improve slightly over the one from Apr 2022. It was very difficult for me to wean off the oxygen. I read an article about a woman with Long Covid and how she got back to normal with diaphramgmatic breathing exercises and a treatment program. Later in the article I found out her husband is a pulmonologist but it gave me inspiration and I did research on it and started my own program. I did some nebulizer treatments at home along with some herbal suppliments. I got to the point where I only needed oxygen when I was exerting myself but I could sleep at night and and have low activity without supplemental O2. Then my Dr finally put me in Pulmonary Rehab and after a couple weeks I could walk and do light activity without any O2 even with all the lumg fibrosis. Hang in there, you got to keep scratching and digging and you will find out what helps you the best. I am sure you have a pulse oximeter. Learn breathing techniques and see which ones make your O2 the best then practice those every day, multiple times.

Take Care!

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Replies to "mkportzen, Thanks for your reply! My situation is very similiar to yours. My June and Dec..."

Thank you for your text, I feel we are pretty much in the same area of post covid. I will check out the breathing excercises. I was told by my pulmonologist to stay active. As we are trying to move, all the packing and getting our house in order has really kept me very active and I believe that has helped my breathing tremendously. When I am at lower elevations I notice I can do even light duties without oxygen, with breathing excercises and a lower elevation I’m hoping to do even better. As I say, I’m here today because of prayer and the good Lord has a mission for me, so I’ll keep searching for that mission. I was told by my pulmonologist I am lucky to be alive, so I feel blessed for every day I am better.