Cribriform present: What does this biopsy finding mean?

Posted by shelby29 @shelby29, Feb 1, 2023

My husband biopsy says, cribriforms, present. What does this mean...anyone else have this?

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Cribiform pattern may be a predictor of Intraductal carcinoma. I.C, is a more aggressive form of prostate cancer and can lead to metastasis.
I am not a "Medical Professional ".
My biopsy indicates I.C. and I do have metastasis to the pelvic lymph nodes. Please ask your Docs about this and if I'm wrong let me know.
Good Luck


Cribiform pattern may be a predictor of Intraductal carcinoma. I.C, is a more aggressive form of prostate cancer and can lead to metastasis.
I am not a "Medical Professional ".
My biopsy indicates I.C. and I do have metastasis to the pelvic lymph nodes. Please ask your Docs about this and if I'm wrong let me know.
Good Luck

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My diagnosis is the same. I am wondering what treatment you are on ?
I've been on Zytiga and Lupron injections for 5 months.


I'm on Zytiga and Lupron as well. 5 mos on Zytiga and 10 mos on Lupron .
I had IMRT last summer as well. PSA is undetectable..
How is your PSA doing?


Hi @shelby29, I hope you saw the helpful response from @spryguy. @zj69 and @ford1929 also had cribriform pattern present.

"The presence of a cribriform pattern is now recognized as a clinically important, independent adverse prognostic indicator for prostate cancer. For this reason the International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) recently recommended its inclusion in standard reporting."
- ISUP Consensus Definition of Cribriform Pattern Prostate Cancer (2021)

Shelby, have you and your husband had the appointment to discuss with results of the biopsy with your cancer team yet? How are you doing?


I'm on Zytiga and Lupron as well. 5 mos on Zytiga and 10 mos on Lupron .
I had IMRT last summer as well. PSA is undetectable..
How is your PSA doing?

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Also on both of them...less than a month so far. PSA was 14, Gleason score 8.


Also on both of them...less than a month so far. PSA was 14, Gleason score 8.

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Zytiga is brutal for me. I was doing crossword puzzles pre Zytiga but they are difficult and frustrating now. Conversations are also difficult because I can't find the words to make a point. It's hard to accomplish simple day to day tasks. FATIGUE.
I sincerely hope I am the exception to the experience others are having. Good luck to all. Keep on going and don't give up.


Hi @shelby29, I hope you saw the helpful response from @spryguy. @zj69 and @ford1929 also had cribriform pattern present.

"The presence of a cribriform pattern is now recognized as a clinically important, independent adverse prognostic indicator for prostate cancer. For this reason the International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) recently recommended its inclusion in standard reporting."
- ISUP Consensus Definition of Cribriform Pattern Prostate Cancer (2021)

Shelby, have you and your husband had the appointment to discuss with results of the biopsy with your cancer team yet? How are you doing?

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4 consults, no one mentioned cribriform. I just did my own research and it scared me. Gleason 8, stage T3b, seminal vesticle invasion. We have an ecology appt in 2 weeks and will ask about this.


Zytiga is brutal for me. I was doing crossword puzzles pre Zytiga but they are difficult and frustrating now. Conversations are also difficult because I can't find the words to make a point. It's hard to accomplish simple day to day tasks. FATIGUE.
I sincerely hope I am the exception to the experience others are having. Good luck to all. Keep on going and don't give up.

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Yes. The side effects are intense. Fatigue and the hot flashes,
and the same as you said, simple everyday task are difficult.
Also gaining weight because of the prednisone.
I will be returning to see the Radiologist Oncologist in March to see if I am
now a candidate for radiation. Given the extent of the cancer I was told to try
the Zytiga and Lupron and follow up with scans in 4 months, which we did and
some of the tumors have decreased in size. So, hoping for the best.


Yes. The side effects are intense. Fatigue and the hot flashes,
and the same as you said, simple everyday task are difficult.
Also gaining weight because of the prednisone.
I will be returning to see the Radiologist Oncologist in March to see if I am
now a candidate for radiation. Given the extent of the cancer I was told to try
the Zytiga and Lupron and follow up with scans in 4 months, which we did and
some of the tumors have decreased in size. So, hoping for the best.

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Nice to see a reduction in the tumors. It makes the treatment more meaningful and worth the side effects.
I took 7 days off Zytiga and Prednisone and saw a remarkable improvement in brain power and ambition. I'll be back on meds tomorrow. I'll be asking my Docs if an occasional "med vacation " is acceptable every 3 mos or so as a moral booster. I've been on these meds for 6 mos and lupron for 12 mos. Good Luck with upcoming scans.


I am 69 and had my prostate removed in September 2022. I am Gleason 7 (3 4.). There was cribriform present IC intraductal carcinoma was indeterminate. The 7 lymph nodes showed no cancer. After 5 months I still have a PSA <.02 showing no signs of reoccurrence. I know it is early but hoping it continues. Wishing you the best. Timmy

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