Metastatic breast cancer: What's yourCA 27-29?

Posted by jhefner @jhefner, Feb 5, 2023

I have metastatic breast cancer, with metastases to my bones and liver. In the 16 months I have been treated, we have not been able to find a treatment that works at all. My cancer antigen numbers have continued to rise and are currently at 2,804. I’m curious to know what others’ numbers are in my similar situation. Anyone have numbers this high or higher?

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Welcome @jhefner, it sounds like you're at a crossroads of trying different treatments and not finding one that works. That in itself must be exhausting, not to mention worrisome to see the trend line going up. Keep in mind that CA 27-29 numbers are very different for everyone. When you're grasping for answers, it can be tempting to look answers in the cancer antigen number.

But what other MBC members like @keepmoving2 @eku @ja5747 @trivia @wandering @mom23boys @leeann66 @ks3 @pjsfla @lisman1408 @jbp @elizm @mssewest @auntieoakley can do is journey along side you, share their stories and be there to talk about the tough stuff.

Here are a couple of related discussions that you might also be interested in:
- CA 27-29 numbers rising: Does anyone else have an issue like this?
- Struggling to cope with Stage IV diagnosis and what the future holds.

Jhefner, when do you next meet with your oncologist to discuss the numbers and next steps?


@jhefner these are very high, but don’t give up the ship over it. My numbers got really high (over 1400) and my doctor said you cannot count on those numbers, because it takes 3 months for them to even dip. Then when they did come down, they would go up and down like a yo-yo, making me crazy at every test. Finally he just quit ordering them, because he said you know there is about 30 different things unrelated to your breast that can make these numbers change.
I am sorry they haven’t found a reliable treatment for you yet. Can you tell me about your journey some? Can I ask if you have been to a large cancer center or university hospital?


@jhefner I'd second the suggestion to keep your spirits up. It *really* makes a difference and I personally know it's easier said than done. I have MBC with ER+ and HER2-. I'm on anastrozole and verzenio but the meds change depending on the type of the tumor. My oncologist says it's the scans that really matter. What do your scans show?
There has been a number of recent FDA approvals for meds that can be used in the metastatic setting. I pray your medical team will find a line of treatment that will stabilize your disease. Please try to stay strong and positive. It helps me to take a walk outside, work at the garden, etc. Don't spend too much time reading 🙂


I appreciate all the replies. Please understand that my spirits are not down, and I am not in distress about this. I was simply curious about others and how high the numbers have been. My scans show increased activity each time. I am at peace with what the end result will be, as I know without a doubt where I am going. I am not simply looking at antigen numbers. I was just curious.


Glad to know that you’re handling this with equanimity. My 27/29 started at 2900 1 1/2 years ago. MBC, ER+ Her2 -, recurrence, Mets in bones and liver. We got them down to the 300’s but they are going up again and are now in the 600s. My doc does a PET when they go up and in my case all PETs have shown more cancer. We’re going to look at the Her2 again (initial diagnosis was in 2006) to see if I’m actually Her2 low (a new designation) vs negative as there are new meds out there for Her2 low. Best of luck to you!


jhefner, just wanted to drop you a note on your cancer situation and your antigen numbers. In 2018 my then 79 year old mother had ca27-29 numbers that shot up to the mid 800's, and they found 6 lesions on her liver and tumors on every vertebrae on her spine. Diagnosis-4 months to live. I couldn't accept this and went on a praying and research adventure that brought me to the following conclusion-there may be a better way in addition to traditional chemo. So this is what I did for my mother. First of all, KETO diet-we cut out ALL carbs and sugar! Your cells need energy to multiply and they get it from 3 forms, Glucose(sugar), Protein or Fat. We chose the Protein/fat approach and changed my mom's diet. She was not happy to say the least. 104 lbs of Italian woman was not going without her pasta, bagels and all else, but I convinced her to work with me. The next thing we did was start her on vitamin D-3. 125 micrograms(mcg's), or 5000 IU's. Initially she took 10 pills a day for 2 weeks, then 4 pills a day for 6 weeks, then 2 pills from then on, in the am. Next we put her on the ISOTONIX essentials vitamin regimen that I order online. It includes 4 different types of supplements that she takes everyday, even today. Next we put her on the Mighty Muscadine premium grape seed extract at 2 oz per day. This stuff is expensive and tastes nasty, so mix it with a non-sugary juice. Then finally, God gave me Jesus Juice. The recipe-broccoli,kale,spinach leaves,brussell sprouts,carrots(all colors),celery,asparagus,purple cabbage, purple cauliflower apples for taste, red bell peppers(amazing results), tumeric and ginger. Buy all Organic, juice and drink. Use a slow masticating juicer and put in a sealed mason jar and it will last for 5-7 days in the fridge. Note- my mom was getting juiced(chemo), and her WBC(white blood count) started to go down. When it got to the bottom of the scale for normal, I added the Red bell peppers to the juice, and whoa! Her WBC started to increase to the dismay of the oncologists. My new saying is this for healing yourself- IF GOD DIDN'T MAKE IT, YOU DON'T TAKE IT! It has been 5 years of cancer freedom for my mom, who will be 85 this year, and no sign of cancer anywhere!. Also, no side effects from the chemo other than losing her hair! Chemo I asked for my mom-Perjeta(pertuzumab),herceptin(trastuzumab) and taxol(paclitaxel). They worked like a charm in addition to the regimen from above. 4 months later, no sign of cancer. And please, please, please-don't drink ANYTHING but water! GOD made that, but man makes all the other crap with sugar! Good luck.


jhefner, just wanted to drop you a note on your cancer situation and your antigen numbers. In 2018 my then 79 year old mother had ca27-29 numbers that shot up to the mid 800's, and they found 6 lesions on her liver and tumors on every vertebrae on her spine. Diagnosis-4 months to live. I couldn't accept this and went on a praying and research adventure that brought me to the following conclusion-there may be a better way in addition to traditional chemo. So this is what I did for my mother. First of all, KETO diet-we cut out ALL carbs and sugar! Your cells need energy to multiply and they get it from 3 forms, Glucose(sugar), Protein or Fat. We chose the Protein/fat approach and changed my mom's diet. She was not happy to say the least. 104 lbs of Italian woman was not going without her pasta, bagels and all else, but I convinced her to work with me. The next thing we did was start her on vitamin D-3. 125 micrograms(mcg's), or 5000 IU's. Initially she took 10 pills a day for 2 weeks, then 4 pills a day for 6 weeks, then 2 pills from then on, in the am. Next we put her on the ISOTONIX essentials vitamin regimen that I order online. It includes 4 different types of supplements that she takes everyday, even today. Next we put her on the Mighty Muscadine premium grape seed extract at 2 oz per day. This stuff is expensive and tastes nasty, so mix it with a non-sugary juice. Then finally, God gave me Jesus Juice. The recipe-broccoli,kale,spinach leaves,brussell sprouts,carrots(all colors),celery,asparagus,purple cabbage, purple cauliflower apples for taste, red bell peppers(amazing results), tumeric and ginger. Buy all Organic, juice and drink. Use a slow masticating juicer and put in a sealed mason jar and it will last for 5-7 days in the fridge. Note- my mom was getting juiced(chemo), and her WBC(white blood count) started to go down. When it got to the bottom of the scale for normal, I added the Red bell peppers to the juice, and whoa! Her WBC started to increase to the dismay of the oncologists. My new saying is this for healing yourself- IF GOD DIDN'T MAKE IT, YOU DON'T TAKE IT! It has been 5 years of cancer freedom for my mom, who will be 85 this year, and no sign of cancer anywhere!. Also, no side effects from the chemo other than losing her hair! Chemo I asked for my mom-Perjeta(pertuzumab),herceptin(trastuzumab) and taxol(paclitaxel). They worked like a charm in addition to the regimen from above. 4 months later, no sign of cancer. And please, please, please-don't drink ANYTHING but water! GOD made that, but man makes all the other crap with sugar! Good luck.

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mycoolangel_thank you so much for sharing your mother's journey. Thank god she had you to figure out a path that has brought her to amazing health. Sometimes you need both conventional and alternative therapy to heal. You have proven how important it is to change your diet and put in your body what God has put on this earth. So many miss that important step or process when going through cancer treatment. God Bless you.


please read my message and if u need to talk, you can private message me.


mycoolangel_thank you so much for sharing your mother's journey. Thank god she had you to figure out a path that has brought her to amazing health. Sometimes you need both conventional and alternative therapy to heal. You have proven how important it is to change your diet and put in your body what God has put on this earth. So many miss that important step or process when going through cancer treatment. God Bless you.

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here is the problem that most people face and don't understand. cancer is your body's own cells trying to survive. when your cells divide and die off (apoptosis), it is a natural process. the problem occurs when the cell doesn't die off, and decides it needs to replicate and form in most cases a tumor. my mother had 6 on her liver as seen by the PET scan, and that's when we checked her CA27-29 and it had shot up to 805 quickly. Thanks to the chemo and GOD's medicine, in 30 days it was in the 300's to everyone's surprise. I've posted the info for jhefner to give her the same chance my elderly mother had. Whether she heeds the advice or not, is up to her. My heart brakes when I see these women who have the courage to face death, but are unwilling to try something that can prolong their lives' possibly, and give them the opportunity to pass it along to others. If I was told I had cancer and was going to die, and someone told me they found out that eating dog poop helped cure their cancer, I would buy the biggest scooper out there and start collecting. But this isn't that, it's GOD's answer to your problem. Listen to him!


here is the problem that most people face and don't understand. cancer is your body's own cells trying to survive. when your cells divide and die off (apoptosis), it is a natural process. the problem occurs when the cell doesn't die off, and decides it needs to replicate and form in most cases a tumor. my mother had 6 on her liver as seen by the PET scan, and that's when we checked her CA27-29 and it had shot up to 805 quickly. Thanks to the chemo and GOD's medicine, in 30 days it was in the 300's to everyone's surprise. I've posted the info for jhefner to give her the same chance my elderly mother had. Whether she heeds the advice or not, is up to her. My heart brakes when I see these women who have the courage to face death, but are unwilling to try something that can prolong their lives' possibly, and give them the opportunity to pass it along to others. If I was told I had cancer and was going to die, and someone told me they found out that eating dog poop helped cure their cancer, I would buy the biggest scooper out there and start collecting. But this isn't that, it's GOD's answer to your problem. Listen to him!

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@mycoolangel, you are correct on so many levels. I am one to believe in the same concept. What many do not understand is that, yes, our body created this disease. It wasn't a foreign object put in our bodies. You are correct with the process of what our normal cells go through versus the process that turns on "cancer cells". God put every single plant on this planet to cure all diseases and ailments. If you go onto "", and look up the ingredients in chemo-there are 3 alkalizing plant agents they use. Although there are so many different types of chemotherapy used, I found it interesting that the main chemo has alkalizing plants from the earth. This piece has always intrigued me. I digress. I believe in healing the body naturally on all levels, but also know that sometimes we need to utilize conventional therapy as well. I believe that using both together, can have a very positive outcome i.e., as in the case with your mom. And believe me, if someone told me that eating poop would help, I would absolutely do it. You had nothing to lose by incorporating a healing regimen for your mother and it worked. Believe me, I am on the same page with you on others who will not try other alternatives and accept their outcome.

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