Has anyone tried treatment for diabetic neuropathy?

Posted by beetlejeuse @beetlejeuse, Apr 25, 2022

My dad (age 60) was recently diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy and I have been researching all about it this past week. I know there is no cure but I have run into multiple treatment centers that claim they can help alleviate the pain. My dad lost so much weight recently, I could barely recognize him and it scared me half to death, and he can't sleep through the night because of the pain. Has anyone tried Loma Linda's INF treatment or HFX spinal cord stimulation? The meds given by his doctor don't seem to help much so I am also going to try to give him some medicinal edibles to sleep through the night.

Thank you to anyone who can give me some insight.

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I have the same, and it seems odd being those 2 fingers vs the others. I had an ulna nerve entrapment (cubital tunnel syndrome) about 12 yrs with surgery to widen the canal. A symptom of that nerve was what you describe in your 2 fingers. (My arm also often felt like my funny bone was going off). My orthopedic surgeon told me that carpal tunnel affects the other fingers on your hand. Two years ago I got shingles on my elbow- it seemed to hit my ulna nerve. It has been extra sensitive and numbing since. I’m sure typing on my computer and the way I hold my cell phone don’t help those fingers, but sleeping seems to bring out the worst of both hands. I just ordered wrist supports for sleeping that @johnbishop recommended, but I would certainly have your neurologist check out your arm/shoulder/ulna nerve.

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@dbeshears I had tests and was told that I had carpal tunnel in both hands. My right was the worst. I knew that the numbness in the thumb, fore and middle finger were carpal tunnel. I was at a neurologists office a few years ago and brought up the ring and pinky finger being numb. They said it could be related to the ulnar nerve. So last year I went to a Surgeon that took care of my right carpal tunnel in the office. Easy procedure. I asked him about the pinky and ring and he said he wouldn't touch the ulnar because it could be my neck. If I bend my arms at night I wake up with numbness in the pinky and ring fingers. Also if I talk on the phone for to long my fingers go numb.


@dbeshears I had tests and was told that I had carpal tunnel in both hands. My right was the worst. I knew that the numbness in the thumb, fore and middle finger were carpal tunnel. I was at a neurologists office a few years ago and brought up the ring and pinky finger being numb. They said it could be related to the ulnar nerve. So last year I went to a Surgeon that took care of my right carpal tunnel in the office. Easy procedure. I asked him about the pinky and ring and he said he wouldn't touch the ulnar because it could be my neck. If I bend my arms at night I wake up with numbness in the pinky and ring fingers. Also if I talk on the phone for to long my fingers go numb.

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The surgeons do get territorial over the ulna nerve issue location; I was first sent to a neck/shoulder orthopedic doctor, who nicely told me I should have been referred to a hand orthopedic specialist because the referring doctors nerve tests showed that the entrapment was in the elbow, and that fell into the “hand” department. My hand orthopedic surgeon did say if the issue had been in the neck, he wouldn’t have been the correct doctor. It’s amazing how a single nerve can be so complex, so I guess I can maybe understand why the entire field of neuropathy is so complicated to diagnose and treat.


DN and and waking up with ring and little fingers asleep left or both, Not always but sometimes, usually left hand outside 2 fingers, sometimes both hands?

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Hello @cgs. I wanted to bring your post into an existing discussion on diabetic neuropathy so you can find your post here now:
- Has anyone tried treatment for diabetic neuropathy ?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/has-anyone-tried-treatment-for-diabetic-neuropathy/

I will let you reply to @dbeshears1 who has joined you!


DN and and waking up with ring and little fingers asleep left or both, Not always but sometimes, usually left hand outside 2 fingers, sometimes both hands?

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@cgs I didn’t realize that DN stood for Diabetic Neuropathy. I have PN but it is not Diabetic, so I do know if there may be other things that may affect fingers with DN. However, what I shared about my ulna nerve was over 10 years before I came down with my idiopathic Neuropathy.


I called Loma Linda,they offered an apointment for a medical call conseltation no cost.
I have not went forward I live in the midwest.


@cgs I didn’t realize that DN stood for Diabetic Neuropathy. I have PN but it is not Diabetic, so I do know if there may be other things that may affect fingers with DN. However, what I shared about my ulna nerve was over 10 years before I came down with my idiopathic Neuropathy.

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Calgary neuropathy association is a resource I have looked to.


Hello. I have diabetic neuropathy. Spasms and pain has been blamed on it. I take pregabalin (Lyrica) and cyclobenzaprine for the spasms in the legs, feet, toes, (back).

I’ve found the lidocaine ointment 5% (prescription) helps the toes and ball of the foot a bit. I use that when its really bothering me.

I tried B vitamin supplements. Reducing sugar (more than I am). I don’t consume sugar, mostly substitutes. I’m not sure any of the helped, or hurt.

I recently had injections in my Para-spinal muscle spasm, it helped! The pain management doctors suggest an epidural and/or ablation to help the pains in the legs. I was told the epidural would “deaden” the nerves of the leg. I’m not crazy about the idea. Wouldn’t I want the nerves in my legs to be “awake” in case of injury? To be able to sense a problem? I’m not sure about those therapies for me. If the therapies I currently take don’t work, I may consider it but not before further evaluation. Ruling out and ruling in of diagnosis.


Hello. I have diabetic neuropathy. Spasms and pain has been blamed on it. I take pregabalin (Lyrica) and cyclobenzaprine for the spasms in the legs, feet, toes, (back).

I’ve found the lidocaine ointment 5% (prescription) helps the toes and ball of the foot a bit. I use that when its really bothering me.

I tried B vitamin supplements. Reducing sugar (more than I am). I don’t consume sugar, mostly substitutes. I’m not sure any of the helped, or hurt.

I recently had injections in my Para-spinal muscle spasm, it helped! The pain management doctors suggest an epidural and/or ablation to help the pains in the legs. I was told the epidural would “deaden” the nerves of the leg. I’m not crazy about the idea. Wouldn’t I want the nerves in my legs to be “awake” in case of injury? To be able to sense a problem? I’m not sure about those therapies for me. If the therapies I currently take don’t work, I may consider it but not before further evaluation. Ruling out and ruling in of diagnosis.

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Hi Nemo 1, I'm Johnmacc. I looked into ablation therapy recently. My doc told me it's a heated rod inserted into the body that will likely deaden some nerves but only for months if at all. It also will leave scarring type lesions on your body but is often covered by insurance. It's called radio frequency ablation. The other one called pulsed radio frequency leaves no lesions but is not covered by insurance. Go figure.


Hi Nemo 1, I'm Johnmacc. I looked into ablation therapy recently. My doc told me it's a heated rod inserted into the body that will likely deaden some nerves but only for months if at all. It also will leave scarring type lesions on your body but is often covered by insurance. It's called radio frequency ablation. The other one called pulsed radio frequency leaves no lesions but is not covered by insurance. Go figure.

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Hi Johnmacc. Thank you for that information. It sounds risky. I’ll have to look further into it and options. Thank you.


Hi I've been listening to binaural beats by GOOD VIBES and NINAD music and some other ones and it helps me a little. Other people claim that it helps them with their pain. Play some of those videos and put headphones on your dad and let him listen for an hour and see if it helps. Maybe try a few different kinds. I listen to GOOD VIBES, Peripheral neuropathy Nerve regeneration Delta beats 78h. Also maybe acupuncture might help. Good luck.

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