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Like many conditions, I think feasibility of natural reversal through diet/lifestyle all depends upon genetics. I would have LOVED to reverse this without medication. I already was doing weight training and weight bearing cardio 6-7 days a week for decades. I'm the poster child for healthy eating with great calcium, vita d and other bloodwork numbers. Docs tell me I'm healthier than majority of their patients 1/3 my age. Yet I still have severe osteoporosis. 🙁

I wish everyone here luck in reversing w/o meds. But if your numbers are already bad, I feel like bone building meds may give one a better fighting chance and fresh start to battle this, vs starting from a low point?

If someone is already proactively doing all they can naturally & DXA scores aren't getting worse - but also aren't improving a lot either - waiting too long has other risks.

As one doc explained: if you do - heaven forbid - break a bone and that bone is strong, surgeons have something good to work with, pins set better, healing is better. If bones are weak/soft/thin, surgeons have a much harder time and healing may not be good.

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Replies to "Like many conditions, I think feasibility of natural reversal through diet/lifestyle all depends upon genetics. I..."

Katwhisperer. Thank you for your reply. I've been pretty down in the dumps lately over this. Your last paragraph really hit home. My mother had osteroporosis, fell and broke her hip. I think she was lucky the surgeons had strong bone to set the pins into.

Thanks again. You really made my day.

What med are you taking? Your story is quite similar to mine in terms of health, eating etc. I just got my first scan and it was -2.9 for my lower lumbar. Also, do you have any side effects? I'd like to be med free but I will go on meds if needed.