Removal of sigmoid colon due to diverticulitis: How to deal with pain?

Posted by sunny1971 @sunny1971, Sep 22, 2020

Hello, i had a "take down" they call it, from removal of sigmoid colon in 2006. I was 49 years old, no cancer, luckily. Surgery went well, I had a wonderful caring surgeon. 10 years later , i started to get a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, where the sigmoid was, it was unbearable , felt like spasms, coming ,and going. Everything i ate had to be fully watched, I am a healthy eater, this pain went on for years, i got cat scans, this scan, that test, nothing. I increased drinking so much water, i could float away. It got so bad, i wrote my surgeon in georgia, and he took the time to call me. stating i have a one way in and a one way out with my food intake. Gas was the major issue, but the pain was enough to go to the ER. it suddenly disappeared for a couple years,
i still cant pinpoint, what it really could be, or when will it return, if it does. I went as far to keep a record of what I ate and drank.
has anyone experienced this kind of excruciating pain??

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On October 5, 2022 I had a robotic sigmoid colectomy. I feel wonderful. My bowel movement are not normal like the usual definition but they are ok. I feel great. No more pain from the constant diverticulitis. So far, I can eat everything but do need to be careful if I have too much fiber in one day. For example chile with beans for dinner and bean salad for lunch. Right now that is too much for my system. But I have found that out. Overall, everything is so much better than it was. But I do have to pay attention to any urge to go and head for the bathroom. Sometimes, it is difficult to go. I have to push too hard but most of the time it is ok. Overall, I am pleased because the pain is gone. I have regained my strength.


On October 5, 2022 I had a robotic sigmoid colectomy. I feel wonderful. My bowel movement are not normal like the usual definition but they are ok. I feel great. No more pain from the constant diverticulitis. So far, I can eat everything but do need to be careful if I have too much fiber in one day. For example chile with beans for dinner and bean salad for lunch. Right now that is too much for my system. But I have found that out. Overall, everything is so much better than it was. But I do have to pay attention to any urge to go and head for the bathroom. Sometimes, it is difficult to go. I have to push too hard but most of the time it is ok. Overall, I am pleased because the pain is gone. I have regained my strength.

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How long did it take you to feel like your food and bathroom times were manageable. I am 3 weeks out from my robotic sigmoid resection surgery and struggling with bursts of increased gas and urgency bathroom times. Yesterday I had numerous bathroom times.


Had laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy 7/6/22. Three months post-op and doing quite well. In the beginning you will not have much of an appetite.
Yes I agree multiple+ BM’s first few weeks. Challenging to get too far from the bathroom no less leave the house. It gets better over time, it’ll surprise you. It does take time for the colon to adjust. Did not have a colostomy so unable to comment, sorry! Hang in there, over time it does get better. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact your surgical team!

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Thank You for your words of encouragement.
I am 3 weeks out and having multiple BM's .
I started keeping a food diary. It is so frustrating.
My surgery went well and having minimal pain. The Sigmoid Resection was done robotically.
I am returning to work in four weeks and praying these symptoms resolve. My work is very active.


How long did it take you to feel like your food and bathroom times were manageable. I am 3 weeks out from my robotic sigmoid resection surgery and struggling with bursts of increased gas and urgency bathroom times. Yesterday I had numerous bathroom times.

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It took a good three to four weeks especially with the urgency. The pain was gone, though. Even after three months, if I have a suggestion of a bowel movement, i head to the bathroom. But I do feel great. The adjustment seems minor. Keep positive


It took a good three to four weeks especially with the urgency. The pain was gone, though. Even after three months, if I have a suggestion of a bowel movement, i head to the bathroom. But I do feel great. The adjustment seems minor. Keep positive

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How was the frequency in the 3 wk time.? My surgery was Jan 9th and I am having 10-12 small stools a day. Will this get better?
I go back to work in 4 wks. I am a nurse and very active.
I told my doctor about this. So now taking my fiber supplement daily.


After three weeks, I still had more frequency. Now after 4 months, I usually go twice a day...sometimes hard stool and sometimes loose. It often depends on what I eat or don't eat, but that appears to be my new normal. I just know that when I have the urge, I should find a way to the bathroom. I really feel great...better than I have in a year or more.


After three weeks, I still had more frequency. Now after 4 months, I usually go twice a day...sometimes hard stool and sometimes loose. It often depends on what I eat or don't eat, but that appears to be my new normal. I just know that when I have the urge, I should find a way to the bathroom. I really feel great...better than I have in a year or more.

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Thank You for your reply.
It gives me a clearer understanding of what is ahead for me. Also comforting.
One more question.. Did you take your fiber supplement at the 4 week post op time?


Thank You for your reply.
It gives me a clearer understanding of what is ahead for me. Also comforting.
One more question.. Did you take your fiber supplement at the 4 week post op time?

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I did take Miralax daily for a while but no longer need to. I, also, do not take a fiber supplement. I would if I had a need or would just eat a few prunes daily. Good luck adjusting. It’s worth it!


How long did it take you to feel like your food and bathroom times were manageable. I am 3 weeks out from my robotic sigmoid resection surgery and struggling with bursts of increased gas and urgency bathroom times. Yesterday I had numerous bathroom times.

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I had my sigmoid colon resection 7 weeks ago. My experience is that the symptoms you describe, which I also had, will get noticeably better at 4-5 weeks. At about 3 weeks, I DID add one teaspoon of Metamucil every day. The Metamucil stopped the diarrhea accidents and each day got better. I still take the Metamucil daily. When I forget, I can tell. It's an easy fix, so I highly recommend it. At 6 weeks, I was having well-formed bowel movements. Frequency also improved each day, and now I have a normal three times a day routine. Those first three weeks are the challenge!


I had my sigmoid colon resection 7 weeks ago. My experience is that the symptoms you describe, which I also had, will get noticeably better at 4-5 weeks. At about 3 weeks, I DID add one teaspoon of Metamucil every day. The Metamucil stopped the diarrhea accidents and each day got better. I still take the Metamucil daily. When I forget, I can tell. It's an easy fix, so I highly recommend it. At 6 weeks, I was having well-formed bowel movements. Frequency also improved each day, and now I have a normal three times a day routine. Those first three weeks are the challenge!

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Thank You for your reply. You are so right, these first three weeks are a challenge! I began taking Citrucel 2 tbsp. on week 3, this has slowed the frequency of bathroom times but still some days 10 times/day in small amounts. I am going to try taking the Citrucel 1 tbsp in the morning.

What type of diet did you follow during the first 4-5 weeks?
Miss my coffee. I started a food diet to track when a new food is introduced and how I react.

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