I've had my pacemaker installed back in March 2021 at 37 years old. I've been following the rehab protocols to the letter one the first month of recovery. I did develop a stiffness in the left shoulder as I didn't use my arm that much the following year. A light workout routine supervised by a kinesiologist took care of that issue.
Almost two years after the surgery, I still feel the PM inside my body. It's still uncomfortable to do specific movements or to lie on my side where pressure is applied to the shoulder. But, for the most part, the PM's physical presence is becoming a fact of life now that I have gotten used to it. I will be reminded of the PM when my heart occasionally goes in tachycardia mode and the machine does its job to bring it back to a normal rate. It required some adjustments on the software side to come to a good recovery protocol. The first time after surgery that I went into tachy, my PM knocked me down cold. I went from 150 bpm to 90 in one second! I was confused, weak and very tired for about 30 minutes afterwards. Now, it takes about four to five minutes to bring my heart back to normal. I'm still tired afterwards, but not confused or weak anymore.
The other time that I felt the PM's presence was when my 5-years old son punched me straight on the PM while we were rough and tumbling around... XD
But, yeah, two years in and life is almost back to normal. There are still lifestyle adjustments needed, but I'm very confident that I'll get there. Someday.
My dad told me that getting a pacemaker isn't the end of my life; it's the renewing of it.
(Edited for spelling errors)
Congrats on your smart comments about getting used to the PM. I've had mine for almost 5 years. For the first couple of years I was nervous about dislodging it, etc., but after realizing that that little box is keeping me in good rhythm, I began to accept its presence and appreciate that it it is working. I don't actually think about it to much any more. Good luck to you!