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Alfred, when you already have spine injuries, it's common to aggravate it by doing something and cause a muscle spasm that increases pain. I can do that too with bad posture or sleeping with my neck in a bad position. A spasm can start shifting the vertebrae alignment and increasing symptoms from the condition that already exists. You can try a heat wrap on your neck to try and calm the muscles. Soaking in a tub with epsom salts might help too because your skin will absorb magnesium and that can help muscles relax. There are over the counter things like Arnica gel that help with inflammation and pain. I use that when my ankle hurts and it helps. A massage therapist or physical therapist can help a lot too, but there would be a cost for that.


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Replies to "@ab6540183 Alfred, when you already have spine injuries, it's common to aggravate it by doing something..."

Hi Jennifer, thanks for the advice.

I have had some bad experiences with physiotherapists that claimed that they were professionals, but made me worse off after the manipulation. I told them not to press hard and they did against my will and I was in pain for weeks with massive inflammation.

I was paying $216 (equivalent to $152 US dollars) Australian dollars for 1 hour session.

I need to find someone who is gentle with my neck.