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Concerned about the side effects of anastrozole

Breast Cancer | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (1928)

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Welcome, @5miler
Here's the link to start reading the discussion thread from the beginning.
- Concerned about the side effects of anastrozole https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/i-completed-all-treatments-for-breast-cancer-but-now-i-am-supposed/

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Replies to "Welcome, @5miler Here's the link to start reading the discussion thread from the beginning. - Concerned..."

Thank you for the thread link! I’ve been told by my MO that I will start anastrozole after I finish radiation at the end of February. I am lactose-sensitive and gluten-free, so have been doing a lactose-free/gluten-free for the last year which as dramatically decreased my arthritis symptoms. I now see that anastrozole has 65 mg of lactose in it, and letrozole has 45 mg! I do think these 2 AI’s have the best impact on invasive lobular (ILC) so I’m really torn. Anyone who is lactose-free taking anastrozole? Help!