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Next week I will be having surgery to remove an invasive squamus carcenoma of the Vulvar. Sounds like they will be removing my genitals, ugh! Has anyone else gone through this process?

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Replies to "Next week I will be having surgery to remove an invasive squamus carcenoma of the Vulvar...."

Hello, @afrikachef Your post was moved to this Support Group because there is a wealth of wisdom here for squamous cell cancer of the vulva. I am hoping that other women in this discussion will share their experiences with you.

Our genitals - inside and out - are difficult to talk about, right? If you read through this discussion you'll see that some of the women have said just that. They are frightened, not sure what to ask, and are afraid of how they will feel after surgery. If you read my post from December 16 (above) you'll see how frightened and anxious I was when I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer.

Since your surgery is next week is it correct to assume that you have had a pre-surgical appointment and asked the surgeon what will be removed and what will be spared? Will you have another appointment with the surgeon (gyn-oncologist?) before surgery? If so, please consider writing your questions down and taking a close friend, family member or your partner with you to your appointment. I was so anxious during my appointments that I couldn't keep track of what the cancer care team including my surgeon told me. Having my partner next to me really helped a lot.

What can you do this evening to be kind to yourself? I had a very emotionally rough day today and I just got finished soaking in the bathtub. What is soothing for you?