← Return to Invasive ductal carcinoma and length of radiation treatment

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Radiation treatments are determined case by case. I went in telling the radiation oncologist I didn't need radiation and didn't need to be there. He replied not only did I require it, but I needed more...UGH...30 treatments later, I was finished with it! The reason for mine was that I had several cancerous nodes, but one had broken through into the lymphatic system so breast was radiated as well as the armpit area. If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to get a second opinion. All the best to you.

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Replies to "@nana3131 Radiation treatments are determined case by case. I went in telling the radiation oncologist I..."

I had surgery March 2022 with sentinel nodes removed.
Bi lateral mastectomy-
I had 5 weeks 25 sessions had fatigue last week of treatment.
Face up right side only
I do think every treatment plan is different.
I was stage 3 breast cancer with 1 lymph node affected.
Cancer clear as of today. Finished additional preventative chemo treatments after radiation.
Feel great

I had four positive nodes and extra nodal extension.. what was your experience with radiation? also what side? Am supposed to have 28 days.. wonder if I should do it.