Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) - Does it help for neck and spine pain?

Posted by peggyn @peggyn, May 27, 2022

Has anyone be told they may have
CDDP in their neck and spine? I am in pain 24-7.
The pain Dr. hasn't helped much.
I tried RSO night nurse and it did help some, except it mace me extra sleepy and not able to function. I guess it was a high. I was told by the spine dr. if I take it the pain dr. won't treat me.
I don't know which way to turn. Does anyone here take anything that really helps? Sometimes I can't even set down because of the pain in lower spine and hip.

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Hi Peggy @peggyn, We modified your discussion title to better describe what your discussion is about so members who have experience can share it with you. @confused1955, @lisapion77, @ken82, @sandielegal and @semeon have talked about Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) in other discussions and may have some information to share with you. For those that are not familiar with the product here is a link with information on RSO:

What Is Rick Simpson Oil?: https://leafwell.com/blog/what-is-rick-simpson-oil-rso/

You mentioned having CDDP in your neck and spine. Did you mean CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy)?
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/cidp-chronic-inflammatory-demylinating-polyneuropathy/


I’ve been using RSO for about a year. I put in in my own capsules and take twice daily in addition to a CBD:THC 24:1 tincture twice a day and periodic vaping. It helped me kick off oxycodone for breakthrough pain. I also use Buprenorphine patches 1x every 7 days. My chronic pain if for the most part controlled.


I have severe arthritis and have a malunion in my spine that keeps me from sleeping at night and mainly house ridden because of the pain. I do see a pain Dr but with little help and I literally hate taking prescription medicine
Do you think this RSO would or could help me?
What would the dosage be?


I’ve used it for migraine but be very careful! Literally, a tiny drop packs a powerful punch! I took a little too much and truly thought I was dying! I felt paralyzed! Could sense all around me but could not move and barely talk. I was not, however, in pain!!!


I’ve been using RSO for about a year. I put in in my own capsules and take twice daily in addition to a CBD:THC 24:1 tincture twice a day and periodic vaping. It helped me kick off oxycodone for breakthrough pain. I also use Buprenorphine patches 1x every 7 days. My chronic pain if for the most part controlled.

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I too have greatly benefited from specific THC to CBD ratio cannabis, but it was via our states medical cannabis pharmacy. It has to do with specific terpenes in the plant actually. For instance, in my daily dose I would have a medication high in limonite, while before bed, I would have a different one packed with Myrcine. I did use one more medication and that is what I call my rescue...it was a vape for the fastest absorption. Higher percentage of THC in that one. Know the laws in your state though, for I since learned that if you do use medical cannabis in VA, you forfeit your rights to other things...so be aware.


As you know each states rules are different. In Pa when I first started in 2018 I believe, they did not provide that level of specificity from pharmacists stationed at dispensaries. I don’t know if they do or do not now. It would be a challenge to obtain products in Pa that were based on terpenes in the product. Because it’s still being studied I don’t think the state will get into that level of detail and I know our growers who supply dispensaries will not spend the money do do that unless by law. Being pain free is so much better. Have you seen this piece on the benefits of cannabis for older folks vs. younger.


I have made RSO before. It helps with sleep and appetite, but cannabis doesn't really lessen pain, in my experience, which include dispensary bought edibles. I was on pain meds, and then I stopped taking them because they made me nauseous, tired, cold, and caused a bunch of side effects that took years to get away from, like increased nerve sensitivity. When I tried to go back on pain meds, the doctors denied me because I admitted that I used cannabis. Chronic pain makes it hard for me to eat and sleep. I lost a third of my body weight and one point and almost starved while I was on pain meds after surgeries, etc. Pain meds kill your appetite. Cannabis is a great way to handle many of the side effects of pain meds, as well as allow one to use less of them. However, because doctors think they know it all, they act in a barbaric way and block pain patients from having the relief they need. One doctor told me that I might die if he prescribed me pain meds while I was using cannabis, and he was really self righteous. Guess what? Dying from an overdose peacefully in my sleep seems like a pretty good way to go, in comparison to how the nursing home killed my mom and it took almost two months for her to die after they injured her. Also, my own pain is so great, that death would, quite frankly, would probably be the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I chose to not take the pain meds and use over the counter anti-inflammatories, along with cannabis. I feel half dead from lack of sleep and horrible arthritis, along with other issues, but I don't want to deal with doctors anymore, and I can't really afford them anyway, as I can't work. Also, pain meds are addictive, and it is horrible to withdraw from them. My pain levels feel so much worse after I have to stop taking pain meds. It scared me really badly, and I don't want to go through it again. Cannabis at least is easy on the body, but it won't really combat pain, just some of the side effects of the pain, if that makes sense. Hope you feel better.


I have made RSO before. It helps with sleep and appetite, but cannabis doesn't really lessen pain, in my experience, which include dispensary bought edibles. I was on pain meds, and then I stopped taking them because they made me nauseous, tired, cold, and caused a bunch of side effects that took years to get away from, like increased nerve sensitivity. When I tried to go back on pain meds, the doctors denied me because I admitted that I used cannabis. Chronic pain makes it hard for me to eat and sleep. I lost a third of my body weight and one point and almost starved while I was on pain meds after surgeries, etc. Pain meds kill your appetite. Cannabis is a great way to handle many of the side effects of pain meds, as well as allow one to use less of them. However, because doctors think they know it all, they act in a barbaric way and block pain patients from having the relief they need. One doctor told me that I might die if he prescribed me pain meds while I was using cannabis, and he was really self righteous. Guess what? Dying from an overdose peacefully in my sleep seems like a pretty good way to go, in comparison to how the nursing home killed my mom and it took almost two months for her to die after they injured her. Also, my own pain is so great, that death would, quite frankly, would probably be the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I chose to not take the pain meds and use over the counter anti-inflammatories, along with cannabis. I feel half dead from lack of sleep and horrible arthritis, along with other issues, but I don't want to deal with doctors anymore, and I can't really afford them anyway, as I can't work. Also, pain meds are addictive, and it is horrible to withdraw from them. My pain levels feel so much worse after I have to stop taking pain meds. It scared me really badly, and I don't want to go through it again. Cannabis at least is easy on the body, but it won't really combat pain, just some of the side effects of the pain, if that makes sense. Hope you feel better.

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I use medical marijuana and my surgeon and pain doc gave me pain pills. In fact cannibis users often need more pain meds than other patients. I would find a doctor who understands this.


Doctors rarely Rx for pain. I'd have left this mortal coil without cannabis in general.

If you're looking for terpene info, try leafly.com.

You will not die from cannabis. Overdose sucks but isn't deadly. Drs, however, are proving to be deadly more and more, so pick your poison, I guess. The US medical world is not at the front of medical care.

I find that I get a chunk of pain relief from cannabis, but it is not at all like a real pain reliever, though the cannabis industry is working on that via breeding for terpenes. Most of the relief comes by relaxing, numbing a little, and reducing the anxiety associated with being sick in the US in the 2020s.

If it's legal in your state, look for a dispensary that caters to medical users and let the budtender help you. The worst that happens is you get high.

Good luck. Bodies are all different, so you may need to try a few strains. Where I live, the trend has been toward strain-specific products, which is nice.


I have made RSO before. It helps with sleep and appetite, but cannabis doesn't really lessen pain, in my experience, which include dispensary bought edibles. I was on pain meds, and then I stopped taking them because they made me nauseous, tired, cold, and caused a bunch of side effects that took years to get away from, like increased nerve sensitivity. When I tried to go back on pain meds, the doctors denied me because I admitted that I used cannabis. Chronic pain makes it hard for me to eat and sleep. I lost a third of my body weight and one point and almost starved while I was on pain meds after surgeries, etc. Pain meds kill your appetite. Cannabis is a great way to handle many of the side effects of pain meds, as well as allow one to use less of them. However, because doctors think they know it all, they act in a barbaric way and block pain patients from having the relief they need. One doctor told me that I might die if he prescribed me pain meds while I was using cannabis, and he was really self righteous. Guess what? Dying from an overdose peacefully in my sleep seems like a pretty good way to go, in comparison to how the nursing home killed my mom and it took almost two months for her to die after they injured her. Also, my own pain is so great, that death would, quite frankly, would probably be the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I chose to not take the pain meds and use over the counter anti-inflammatories, along with cannabis. I feel half dead from lack of sleep and horrible arthritis, along with other issues, but I don't want to deal with doctors anymore, and I can't really afford them anyway, as I can't work. Also, pain meds are addictive, and it is horrible to withdraw from them. My pain levels feel so much worse after I have to stop taking pain meds. It scared me really badly, and I don't want to go through it again. Cannabis at least is easy on the body, but it won't really combat pain, just some of the side effects of the pain, if that makes sense. Hope you feel better.

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I feel like we're kin. If only I could die that way.

That's my hope, too. Tomorrow would be OK with me.

It's hard to read about doctor burnout without also addressing patient burnout...which began long before covid.

Just being done looks better and better.

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