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Hi I’m Yaya
My sister was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and started chemotherapy now on 3rd treatment but she is struggling with getting back on her feet l. Very fragile and fatigued loss of appetite. Is there something we can do to help her. I hear some actual go to work a day after chemo but she is struggling please help

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Replies to "Hi I’m Yaya My sister was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and started chemotherapy now on 3rd..."

Everyone tolerates chemo different. I thank god I’m one of the lucky ones having done 38 treatments and feeling pretty good. If your sister isn’t eating much have her drink Ensure so her body gets what she needs. The hospital should have a social worker to get her samples and coupons to save money. Also have her talk to an nutritionist to help her figure out what to do. Sending prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Hi Yaya, as another commenter has said, everyone reacts differently to chemo. Fatigue is consistent, but
I usually feel a little better around the fifth day after Folferinox treatment. I always eat small portions several times a day, making sure to include protein-rich foods. Sometimes at the beginning of a new cycle, if I am still feeling sick from side effects, my doctor will agree for an extra week off to recover, and that has helped me tolerate the next cycle (I am up to number 9). Also, when I experienced some acute neuropathy, the dosage was reduced twice, and that has helped. I have found that when I tell the doctor the side effects I experience, there is usually some alternative to ease the severity. Best wishes.