← Return to Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

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I understand you misery. I’ve had the same thing since late August 2022, a month after covid. It dries out the nasal passages and sinuses and the mucous is nearly gagging in my throat. I get it. I too am on Symbicort, which is a combo of budesonide and formoterol. The pulmonologist, whom I saw in December, believes the mucous is developing as a result of acid reflux. But do I have heartburn? No. Why? Because it appears to be a problem with sphincters, both the lower (LE), and upper (UE) esophageal sphincters not functioning correctly - so it is known as LPR (laryngopharaengeal reflux) aka silent reflux, which doesn’t cause heartburn since the acid isn’t stuck in your chest between the LE and UE sphincters (as in GERD). Instead the acid shoots up into your throat and the mucous develops to protect your throat, larynx, etc from the stomach acid. I even feel little food particles with the acid as far up as in my nose! Ugh!!! My appointment with ENT isn’t until February. Meantime it helps to eat less and remain upright for 2-3 hours after a meal - don’t lie down! If I eat late and go to bed too soon I’ll have horrible mucous coughing up in the morning that must develop throughout the length of the esophagus. I do find chewing gum helps after eating to keep me swallowing. I mean I chew like a lot of gum for a couple hours after a meal and after every little snack. I even started a gum wrapper chain that I suspect will be quite long by the time this is resolved! What I eat doesn’t seem to matter aLOT because it seems like anything that goes down causes the reaction. Apples though are sustaining for me and celery-NOT ( and it’s supposed to be a good one). And remaining on my feet, moving around, works even better than simply sitting upright. Lounging after dinner? No way. Best of luck to all of us with this misery!

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Replies to "I understand you misery. I’ve had the same thing since late August 2022, a month after..."

Hi! You’re one of the only people I’ve come across that is having esophageal sphincter problems like I am. I have to have an endoscopy tomorrow with a flip procedure to see what’s going on with all of that. Did you have manometry and endoscopies to diagnose? Did they say if the sphincters should figure themselves out and improve? I’m really sorry you’re going through this!

Thankyou for your input. I had Covid in October and have also been left with horrible post nasal drip. I too have had the CT scan on sinuses, blood test for allergies, non steroid and steroid nasal sprays etc etc. It is constantly there and it is worse after eating ...hence the allergy tests. I should have shares in Kleenex because the phlegm,/mucus production is in overdrive all the time. It's exhausting and a bit disgusting ever trying to be discreet with the phlegm removal. I'm sorry to see so many of us have It post Covid but pleased that it is
*a thing* and I'm not alone. I guess we just have to keep positive and try everything at our disposal. Good Luck every one. 😀(I am in Australia )

I had been a long term sufferer with silent reflux, LPR. Was on max medications. Proton pump inhibitors and H2 blocker. I wouldn't listen to my gastroenterologist and his wife an ENT, both prominent NYC doctors when they told me to raise the head of my bed six inches higher than the base of the bed and sleep on an inclined bed. It took several years and increasing dosages of meds that didn't work and had side effects. I finally listened and it worked and I have no issues and have been off both meds for several years. A wedge pillow does not work. Bed must have a slope. Prevents acid from rising up from your stomach. Gravity!
You can buy 6 inch cones on line to raise the feet of your bed on the top side or get wood blocks. Difficult to accomplish on a king size bed but handy man can figure it out.
Must be 6 inches, not less. Check it out online.

This is interesting. I’ve had acid reflux off and on for years. Doesn’t matter what I eat or drink. I’ve noticed that sometimes it carries over the next day.
I suffer from horrible sinus and allergies. But I never had this mucus issue until after I had Covid a year ago Christmas. I wake up in the middle of the night and mornings are the worse. Sometimes I end up throwing up.
I’m going to google a few things I saw on here though.
Here’s to a resolve sooner than later.

You described all my symptoms well after covid vaccine (Biggest mistake of my life). My problem is that people around me are so annoying with me on work as I'm constantly make s clearing and swallowing throat sounds. YAKH. Once my supervisor says get of my truck and sit somewhere else.

Pls let me know if anything help or what ENT specialist suggested.