Diagnosed with esophageal cancer Most scared of the Feeding Tube

Posted by ddunavin @ddunavin, Dec 9, 2022

Going to Duke Medical in a few days to:
1. PET scan results to determine if it's metastasized.
2. Determine Stage and Treatment Plan
3. Feed Tube Install in Abdomen? (this scares me more than the cancer)

Any words of advice?
What are chances this large mass has spread to other places, is it common?
My #1 goal right now is to stay positive for my wife.
Thank you,

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Esophageal Cancer Support Group.


Welcome @jp2023 and @lalaluv, you've come to the right place to get support from others who are living with esophageal cancer or caring for someone with esophageal cancer. To help you connect with others, I moved your messages to this existing discussion:

- Diagnosed with esophageal cancer Most scared of the Feeding Tube https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/diagnosed-on-thanksgiving/

I did this so you can read previous helpful posts and connect with members like @ddunavin @dsh33782 @johnstawicki @kissingrhino @sjw6358 @doglover888 @survivorsuz @puprluvr @karly @davevb @margaretdv @atafitness @lori57216 @naomicanada @socalkelly and many others.

JP, I'm glad you finally got a referral to a surgeon. Have you started a list of questions to ask?

@lalaluv, I assume the CT scan is part of the diagnostic process for you to stage the cancer. Have you been referred to a surgeon>

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No, I have not been referred to a surgeon or an oncologist as of yet.


I had an EGD on Wednesday. The doctor found a tumor at the bottom of my esophagus and the top of my stomach. It was confirmed, the tumor is cancer. I am scheduled for a CT scan on Wednesday 1/18. I have to schedule an appointment with an oncologist after the CT appointment. Is there anyone out there that has had a similar experience and can share what to expect? I am at a loss for words and I don't know what to expect.

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Hi I was diagnosed the same. After the CT I met with Oncologist and just had a PET scan. Also meeting With the radiation oncologist and a chemo class this week. Having a port put in next week then hopefully the treatments can start. I’ve been told chemo once a week and radiation 5 days. Kind of a whirlwind but ready to get started and kick cancers butt.


Welcome @jp2023 and @lalaluv, you've come to the right place to get support from others who are living with esophageal cancer or caring for someone with esophageal cancer. To help you connect with others, I moved your messages to this existing discussion:

- Diagnosed with esophageal cancer Most scared of the Feeding Tube https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/diagnosed-on-thanksgiving/

I did this so you can read previous helpful posts and connect with members like @ddunavin @dsh33782 @johnstawicki @kissingrhino @sjw6358 @doglover888 @survivorsuz @puprluvr @karly @davevb @margaretdv @atafitness @lori57216 @naomicanada @socalkelly and many others.

JP, I'm glad you finally got a referral to a surgeon. Have you started a list of questions to ask?

@lalaluv, I assume the CT scan is part of the diagnostic process for you to stage the cancer. Have you been referred to a surgeon>

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We are waiting for the results of the PET and also he is scheduled for an MRI today as they think there may be cancer in his liver as well. Treatment will start as soon as the results are in 25 radiation and chemo once a week with the radiation. Surgery can happen as long as cancer is not found in the liver… so for now it is more waiting …


Hi I was diagnosed the same. After the CT I met with Oncologist and just had a PET scan. Also meeting With the radiation oncologist and a chemo class this week. Having a port put in next week then hopefully the treatments can start. I’ve been told chemo once a week and radiation 5 days. Kind of a whirlwind but ready to get started and kick cancers butt.

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Hi. Just want to say good luck and stay positive. You'll get through it with ease.


I had an EGD on Wednesday. The doctor found a tumor at the bottom of my esophagus and the top of my stomach. It was confirmed, the tumor is cancer. I am scheduled for a CT scan on Wednesday 1/18. I have to schedule an appointment with an oncologist after the CT appointment. Is there anyone out there that has had a similar experience and can share what to expect? I am at a loss for words and I don't know what to expect.

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We did (I’m writing under my mom name) - you have to be fast - choose the top surgeon and start treatments fast. Don’t be afraid it’s a journey but focus and the other side and it will go fast.
Careful with any symptoms…
Start treatments asap !
We are here to share !

In reply to @naomicanada "How are you ?" + (show)

How are you ?

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I am ok, had a CT scan yesterday. I have an appointment on the 27th with the oncologist. I am staying positive and just ready to find out the next steps.

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