Has anyone had experience using cymbalta for pain relief?

Posted by Always Hopeful @AlwaysHopeful, Mar 26, 2017

Has anyone had experience using cymbala for pain relief?

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I am adding my comment to others on cymbalta, duloxetine. It gave me constipation close to a blockage. It made my thick hair fall out. It raised my blood pressure to heights I never experienced. Going off was very hard. Pain in body and mind are hard to bear. We are better off NOT taking these meds but being very careful to manage pain with as little drugs as possible............use hot water, hot rubs that do not smell much, ice, rest, showers, and more showers, and keep warm. Watch out for nightshades vegetables ( they are tomato, potato, egg plant, and pepper) , Keep weight down although this is very hard if you can't exercise! You can't eat much but if you eat good amounts of vegetables and less calories in bread, potatoes, rice, and wheat etc. It is possible to lose weight. It just takes time. Cut portions down a lot. Do what you can for exercise on good days. Don't over exercise if you have not been exercising or you get hurt.......start slow and keep steady at it.

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Excellent advice. I’m planning to titrate off gabepentin and wondered about Cymbalta instead. You have now convinced me ( along with other similar responses) to wean of meds period. I get could relief from icing and limited exercise. Where are you experiencing nerve pain? Have you tried any other pain relief procedures?


Cymbalta is almost impossible to stop taking it. It never helped me for my gastrointestinal pain.
Go to the blog of people trying to get off of it.

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There is a FB page "Cymbalta Hurts Worse" with comments from people who struggle for years to taper off this drug, which often didn't help relieve their symptoms much. It's a private group.


If you’re still experiencing nerve pain and were prescribed Cymbalta and you wish to taper off, make sure you have a plan to replace the tapering drug, if you are still experiencing the pain.


Yes! I began taking it as I was constantly having nightmares about my sister who was newly diagnosed with permanent paralysis. I'd wake up crying uncontrollably. We are very close.
After a few weeks of taking Cymbalta I noticed I felt a reduction in pain so I've been on it for quite some time now. The therapeutic dose for pain relief is 60 mg. I have not tried to stop taking it so I can't comment about that aspect. I do take Gabapentin which I am going to stop as I don't think it is really helping and then I will see where my pain level is afterward. Epidural next. Wish me luck because I'm going to need it.


After doing online research, I got a Rx for it. Used it for about six months. No significant relief. Quit using it.

My neurologist has exhausted her med tool kit on me. Nothing really works.

My pain is a chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN).


After doing online research, I got a Rx for it. Used it for about six months. No significant relief. Quit using it.

My neurologist has exhausted her med tool kit on me. Nothing really works.

My pain is a chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN).

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Welcome @weatheryone, I'm wondering if you might find these discussions on chemo induced neuropathy helpful.

-- Need hope: Neuropathy from chemo: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/needshope/
-- Chemo-related Neuropathy:
– Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/chemotherapy-induced-neuropathy/

You might also find this CIPN webinar from the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy helpful - https://www.foundationforpn.org/webinar-chemo-induced-peripheral-neuropathy/

Have you tried any of the complementary or alternative treatments listed on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy? -- https://www.foundationforpn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Complementary-and-Alternative-Treatments-Revised-2020-final.-1.pdf


I have been using Cymbalta for over 10 years to relive pain in my knees. It works for me! Started with 60mg per day, am now at 90mg per day.

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