Diagnosed with DCIS: How do I decide on treatment?

Posted by tctredwell1 @tctredwell1, Aug 23, 2022

I was diagnosed with DCIS. I have to go in for a breast MRI with contrast tomorrow to see how active the cancer is. If it’s contained and not very active, do I have to have a lumpectomy?

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What type of reconstruction did u have? Decisions to be made here too🙁… nipple saving, skin saving , implants, fat lipo, fat grafting? What is the difference between a breast reduction argumentation ( that’s what they recommend with a lumpectomy & radiation) and a partial mastectomy ; only the amount of breast tissue removed? Ty

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I had all breast tissue removed in both breasts, nipple sparing, with silicone implants.
I wanted all breast tissue gone to lower my risks of any reoccurrence.
The skin is thin on the cancer breast. So they will do some lipo and fill it in. I actually schedule that procedure later this month.
It sounds like when they do the lumpectomy they want to do reduction augmentation to create symmetry. So they will remove tissue from the opposite breast as well so they are close to the same size.
When I was weighing my options I met with the radiation Dr. They wanted to do radiation and lumpectomy as well for me.
She agreed that I am really decreasing my chances of reoccurrence by having a mastectomy and agreed with my decision. That helped tremendously.


I am definitely leaning towards mastectomy
I’m 66 so don’t need the meds. Don’t think since I’m off the hormone replacement
Can I get away without radiation if
My lymph is neagative?
What is A1?

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AI- Aromatase Inhibitors- hormone suppression meds.
I am 51 and post menopausal and they wanted to put me on hormone suppression meds.
Chose to decline.


Diagnosed 11, 2022, had lumpectomy 12-13-22, met with Radiation oncologist 1-10-23, recommended treatment 4 week Radiation, Hormone therapy.
I am 69 and a 21 year uterine cancer survivor.
I am praying this is right decision for me. Thoughts??

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@lvp1122 hello, and welcome to connect.
Only you can decide if this is right for you, but it sounds like a reasonable plan. I know there has probably been some anxiety about it, I hope you can connect with other members here who have had a similar diagnosis.
How are you feeling about it?


I read an article recently that said doctors should stop saying "we got it all." A mastectomy does not necessarily mean no cancer cells are released.

We still have some estrogen production in our adrenals, after menopause. I presumed this was enough to feed cancer since I was 63 with a strongly positive ER score.

Many of us don't suffer significant side effects from the meds. I always think it is good to try if worry about side effects is causing you to decline. But everyone is different.

I have 3 kids and they were still pretty young when I was diagnosed at 63. I am 8 years out. For those of us with hormonal cancers, risk actually continues to go up, unfortunately. I had tests done after 5 years on letrozole and my risk had increased somewhat. I miss the safety of the meds!


Diagnosed 11, 2022, had lumpectomy 12-13-22, met with Radiation oncologist 1-10-23, recommended treatment 4 week Radiation, Hormone therapy.
I am 69 and a 21 year uterine cancer survivor.
I am praying this is right decision for me. Thoughts??

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Thank you, I am feeling at peace and need to get out of my head and have faith in the great physician who knows all.
I like hearing others experiences and thought not necessarily treatment suggestions.


Diagnosed 11, 2022, had lumpectomy 12-13-22, met with Radiation oncologist 1-10-23, recommended treatment 4 week Radiation, Hormone therapy.
I am 69 and a 21 year uterine cancer survivor.
I am praying this is right decision for me. Thoughts??

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I may be wrong, but I thought DCIS was a wait and watch thing, with extra testing and clinical breast exams, as its 0 stage?
So sorry you are experiencing this.


Thank you, I am feeling at peace and need to get out of my head and have faith in the great physician who knows all.
I like hearing others experiences and thought not necessarily treatment suggestions.

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@lvp1122 Hello. I was diagnosed also with DCIS in Aug and had the surgery Nov 28th. They offered me Radiation along with taking pills. I don't know what kind of pills yet cause my app is Feb 2. I am still dealing with the surgery some pain and honestly can't even look at my breast but have to because of having to add padding covering to it. I feel depressed at times but with the support of my husband family and friends they make sure I don't get too deep into my feelings. Knowing I have more surgery to go though is taken a toll on me. I know I need to get the plastic surgery done because I feel uncomfortable being around anyone knowing I have 1 breast bigger than the other. I count my blessings every single day even before this had happened to me and look at it where it could have been much worse and spread to my left. So, I am trying to prepare myself for this journey I am on and eating healthy organic foods. I have been on keto diet and really believe that it played a role in my cancer not spreading. (Just saying). I will be praying for you and anyone else that is going though cancer period.


Diagnosed 11, 2022, had lumpectomy 12-13-22, met with Radiation oncologist 1-10-23, recommended treatment 4 week Radiation, Hormone therapy.
I am 69 and a 21 year uterine cancer survivor.
I am praying this is right decision for me. Thoughts??

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phillypeach515, omg, I am speechless. Praying for both of our journeys. Thank you so much for sharing. God cover this chaper in our lives 🙏🏽💜


Thank you for sharing. I have heard so many what ifs...? I am leaning toward the double mastectomy at this point. Any complications with it and how was your recovery?

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Hi Lisa!
I would say it went fine. It is a process, but after 2 weeks I went back to work and I am a physical therapist. Of course with some precautions. I had the expansors and after finishing chemotherapy, I had surgery for my new boobs. The whole process, including chemotherapy, is not a piece of cake, but it is possible. Wishing you the best and a smooth process.


Thank you, I am feeling at peace and need to get out of my head and have faith in the great physician who knows all.
I like hearing others experiences and thought not necessarily treatment suggestions.

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I was diagnosed at 60 and am now 64. I had four weeks of radiation with little if any problems.

I’ve now been on an AI for over 3 years again, with little to no issues.

I try to walk every day or do some form of exercise, and eat a balanced diet.

We all experience cancer differently. 🙏♥️🙏

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