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The worst of this is that the only reason they didn't research this stuff is because they write people off as old or decrepit or something. That's old school medicine for you. So sad you went through that.

Did you hear about the ekectronic therapy to stimulate the vagus nerve? They have a device they can put on the right ear. There are other physio type devices you could set to that frequency as well.
I have robotics and nutrition background, unfortunately gonna need em both to cure/treat this ... no wonder there was nothing else that the doctors can do, they didn't even look into it. And I wouldn't wish autoimmune neurology and gland issues on anyone, it sucks.
Trying to speak up when I find these new treatments because why should people suffer?
I laugh because autoimmune is autoimmune, I have so much overlap with these other things. They should treat all autoimmune with any approved and helpful stuff that would work best for the patient.
So lucky I have MS, because glatiramir acetate does work for me. I just have what damage was done, and now these gland and muscular things because it affected how my brain even makes neurotransmitters.
I read that opioid addicts also have damage to the parts that make neurotransmitters. Such a hard thing to tweak, no wonder they don't know how to heal 😪

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Replies to "The worst of this is that the only reason they didn't research this stuff is because..."

I never heard about the electro stimulation of the vagus nerve until i read up on it in a posting here and further research. When I had my thyroidectomy and left neck dissection in 2012, it was a mess. Surgeon didn't do it. His resident did and nicked my vocal cord nerve and left me with Minnie Mouse voice, inability to swallow food. Then I began to experience pain in left shoulder. Thought it might be the vagus nerve (this was all in 2012!) so I took some Percocet from shoulder surgery a year prior. Didn't help my shoulder but it relaxed the muscles in my throat and gave me my voice back after three months!! The drain for the neck dissection was right along the vagus nerve ! He probably nicked that too!! All these years later now I have leukemia and I have nodes going right up my neck up to my ear, following the drain path. I call them my string of pearls. But they are compressing the vagus nerve and causing all different kinds of issues. Sometimes I take muscle relaxers but they cause constipation which I already have a major problem with, having no sigmoid colon. Of course if I tell my endo she'll say it's not related. Maybe I can get my new primary to do something as he seems to listen to me. Having major problems swallowing. Fricking nightmare. And having chronic leukemia which is a nodal disease......