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Throughout my treatments I totally dreaded weekends. Those were days when it felt as if nothing was being done to rid me of this disease. It was also a time when everything seemed to go awry. A leaky pick line created a double saddle blood clot over both lungs and my heart, putting me in the hospital for the next week. Pneumonia after one of the chemo sessions popped up on a weekend. I simply was more comfortable on the days I was being monitored. Now, as I am making the decision to stretch my appointments out to a year, I feel anxious about the prospect of not being seen for that period of time. I know that I am very fortunate, but ridding myself of the thought of how quickly the cancer presented itself creates a constant consciousness. I need to wean myself off of the comfort I feel after being monitored and get some of my invincibility back.
Good luck to all of you going through your treatments. This too shall pass.

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Replies to "Throughout my treatments I totally dreaded weekends. Those were days when it felt as if nothing..."

Hello @rggj,

You have certainly expressed the feelings of a cancer survivor well! I appreciate your words. Life after cancer treatment represents a new way of living and it is a process, and this process may take time. There was a certain comfort in the follow-up appointments and the monitoring. However, as we come to a place where that is no longer necessary, we need to look for other ways to support ourselves emotionally.

Sue, @sepdvm, had a great thought when she posted about seeing a counselor. This may just be the professional support that would be good for you at this time. Also, this is a good time to explore some activities that would help you to feel good. Whatever interests you in the way of physical activities, reading, movies, lunching with friends. All of these can be emotionally healing.

Do any of these ideas sound like they might help you to focus on life after cancer treatment?