Prostate lesions found, biopsy results, No symptoms

Posted by fredz @fredz, Oct 13, 2022

Hi everyone, I’ve no symptoms as frequent urinating or erection issue nor stop start urinating, my PSA is gone up for the last 6 years from 4 to 6 to 8 … and now @ 12 , did an MRI ( not coil/ sound type though ) it came out that I have two lesions one on inferior top part and one in the bottom of my prostate gland, hate to do biopsy, any idea ? Anyone have the same issue ?
Ps no blood in urine either

Thanks so much for all the feedback 🙏🏼

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Than you Ben, my urologist suggested to wait another three months and do another PSA test , he also send me to an oncologist for his opinion too the oncologist suggestion was do radiotherapy instead of removal , I mentioned to him that I read an article online in which it was explaining IF you do radiations then later on you can’t do the surgery to remove the prostate!!, he disagreed to that and told me to go on live your life and don’t worry much but just keep checking and go back to him and my urologist every three months to see how’s it going .

I’m 64 and in pretty good shape other than diabetes which I’m taking pills for it .
Thanks again for your time .

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PSA 10 is the border between Gleason 6 Low Risk and Gleason 6 Intermediate Risk. Worth being concerned, but not panic. It would appear that a rational decision on your part could be any one of the available treatments or Active Surveillance. I am in same boat, PSA 12 in 8/22, 105. 9/22, 8.7 12/22. Why is it going down, who knows! Regardless, chose Proton Beam Radiation, but rational choices also included Radical Prostectomy, Photon SBRT, Seeds, Active Surveillance. Hard choice, and nobody can make it other than you.
Best wishes,


I don'tknow how to intetpret having a PSA of 10.3 and a biopsy of no cancer. The MRI report found "agressive cancer". I haven't seen the Dr yet for his interpretation. What's your take on this?


I don'tknow how to intetpret having a PSA of 10.3 and a biopsy of no cancer. The MRI report found "agressive cancer". I haven't seen the Dr yet for his interpretation. What's your take on this?

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They missed the cancer when they took the biopsy. It happens. They take random areas and if it wasn’t where the cancer was at it comes back clean.


I would push for another MRI (with and without contrast) so as to verify lesions. If there are lesions present on the MRI, and the doctors believe there is cancer within your prostate, my personal decision would be to do a radical prostatectomy. However, this has to align with your personal goals around life expectancy, willingness to put us with recovery/potential side effects, etc... For myself, if I can get rid of the cancer early and extend my life expectancy, I go the extra mile. Note - I am healthy, 56, very active.

Good luck with your decision,


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