Anyone with Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia or Hypothyroidism tried Keto?

Posted by persist @persist, Oct 1, 2019

Has anyone with chronic pain/fibromyalgia/hypothyroidism tried it? I am also interested in CBD oil stuff living in Wisconsin. Thoughts?

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Where can I get more information on hydration salts, eeas and ketone? Thank you for responding!

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I wrote a detailed explanation about the liver and how keto uses more minerals and finding hydration with all five hydration salts is very helpful (ie biosteel )
But I can't post links., so here's my short version.

So eaas are essential amino acids. They dissolve in water. Can find eaas in bodybuilders stuff. I dont use much because there's histidine in there, and I spend a lot on antihistamines... you should google that.
I do some tailor designed amino acids for my condition.
Education is key, there's lots to find out, most of it recently published.

Ketones you will have to google. It's what the liver breaks down fats into. To be easier on th liver and bile system, there are strategies that the medical profession should look at since this diet has been shown to be therapeutic under certain circumstances. I would think that if one could make up the missing vitamins, vegan could reduce certain issues....

It may be easier to explain a green Mediterranean diet with fasting involved.

For keto we don't do that much protein because then the body eats protein,
We want it running on fats to get the benefits for the mRNA
Again, I had such a good document with many references for you but it couldn't send. I recommend that you take the decision to enter into keto quite seriously, and get professional opinion for your specific case. There's a lot to consider.
Understanding the role of the liver with the other organs is pretty key, and other medications and lifestyle factors may have to be considered... good luck


I wrote a detailed explanation about the liver and how keto uses more minerals and finding hydration with all five hydration salts is very helpful (ie biosteel )
But I can't post links., so here's my short version.

So eaas are essential amino acids. They dissolve in water. Can find eaas in bodybuilders stuff. I dont use much because there's histidine in there, and I spend a lot on antihistamines... you should google that.
I do some tailor designed amino acids for my condition.
Education is key, there's lots to find out, most of it recently published.

Ketones you will have to google. It's what the liver breaks down fats into. To be easier on th liver and bile system, there are strategies that the medical profession should look at since this diet has been shown to be therapeutic under certain circumstances. I would think that if one could make up the missing vitamins, vegan could reduce certain issues....

It may be easier to explain a green Mediterranean diet with fasting involved.

For keto we don't do that much protein because then the body eats protein,
We want it running on fats to get the benefits for the mRNA
Again, I had such a good document with many references for you but it couldn't send. I recommend that you take the decision to enter into keto quite seriously, and get professional opinion for your specific case. There's a lot to consider.
Understanding the role of the liver with the other organs is pretty key, and other medications and lifestyle factors may have to be considered... good luck

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Hello @tabuschlen. You will be able to post links once the new member waiting period is up.

In the mean time, your short version of Keto is helpful. You sound experienced. I'm not all that familiar with the various diets out there. During my 3 week rehab at Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center which treats chronic pain patients of all sorts including fibromyalgia, neuropathy, POTS, etc, we were advised to not get too caught up and primarily stick to the Medditeranian diet. Just my 2 cents.

How are you doing? Have you found what works best for you?


Hello @tabuschlen. You will be able to post links once the new member waiting period is up.

In the mean time, your short version of Keto is helpful. You sound experienced. I'm not all that familiar with the various diets out there. During my 3 week rehab at Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center which treats chronic pain patients of all sorts including fibromyalgia, neuropathy, POTS, etc, we were advised to not get too caught up and primarily stick to the Medditeranian diet. Just my 2 cents.

How are you doing? Have you found what works best for you?

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I was eating Mediterranean before I got sick, and my body only tolerates certain things now. I'm very lucky to be able to read and understand medical documentation, and keep a nutritional tally in my head, because I went to school for that.
The keto diet is a serious decision. But it's worth getting professional help and trying it if, like me, it's the only option. It was night and day for brain fog and inflammation.
Again, I can't speak about meat keto, just vegan keto.
Thanks for responding, so far so good, knock wood. Glad that you are doing well on Mediterranean 😁 hopefully my experience will be able to help others. There's recent research on nerve regeneration with feeding mRNA on nerve cells with ketones and minerals (bhb).. . Also the completely reduced inflammation,


I was eating Mediterranean before I got sick, and my body only tolerates certain things now. I'm very lucky to be able to read and understand medical documentation, and keep a nutritional tally in my head, because I went to school for that.
The keto diet is a serious decision. But it's worth getting professional help and trying it if, like me, it's the only option. It was night and day for brain fog and inflammation.
Again, I can't speak about meat keto, just vegan keto.
Thanks for responding, so far so good, knock wood. Glad that you are doing well on Mediterranean 😁 hopefully my experience will be able to help others. There's recent research on nerve regeneration with feeding mRNA on nerve cells with ketones and minerals (bhb).. . Also the completely reduced inflammation,

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Fantastic that you are getting benefits from your vegan keto diet! Brain fog is no joke so I'm really glad you're feeling benefits there and with overall inflammation My daughter's boyfriend is vegan and when he comes to stay with us from out of town, he does a lot of special grocery shopping, prepping, and cooking. It's his personal preference, non-medical. I see it as needing a lot of patience and discipline either way.

Thanks for sharing your educational background on nutrition and your experiences. That's what is so nice about Connect, members get to share experience and knowledge and learn from each other. Paying it forward can really help someone else. Kudos!


Have some of your issues and MCAS . Keto was recommended but didn’t help much . I did a lot of reading on benefits of Carnivore Diet and began it! it did a wonderful 180 on my health. After a month on it I re- introduced veggies. Not happy. Went back on extreme Carnivore and after two weeks and a lot of weight loss again , I am just starting to move to the less strict version . Very slowly! It’s sort of amazing how much happier my body is ! I do have O blood which is from meat eaters.

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