MRI MRCP - Cyst (IPMN) - Newbie

Posted by chasenkw @chasenkw, Jul 12, 2022

So much gratitude for this group. Thank you !

My New GI doctor at University of Miami Healthcare ordered this test after I called needing colonoscopy. I discussed frequent abdominal pain, bloating, and more frequent bouts of pancreatitis. The findings:

Pancreas: Homogeneous parenchymal enhancement with a 0.6 cm cystic lesion in the pancreatic body, likely reflecting a small side branch IPMN. Otherwise, no lesions or ductal dilatation dilatation.

Should there be further testing of these finding? I have not heard from Dr yet. The test was last week, I obtained results from portal. “Is NO news GOOD news?”

Again, many many thanks.

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Thank you for allowing me into the group. The following is my latest results from a MRCP I had done

PANCREAS: Multiple cystic lesions are redemonstrated. There are 2 dominant lesions in the head measuring 2.0 x 1.7 cm and 2.2 x 1.4 cm, These both show demonstratable communication with the main pancreatic duct. There numerous additional smaller cystic lesions that appear stable. No mass or ductal dilatation.

I'm waiting for input from my doctor as to what should be done next. Has anyone had a similar experience and can tell me what to ask my doctor. Needless to say, I'm very anxious about this.


I have cysts on pancreas but no word about it. I’m seeing a another doctor closer to where I live.


I have cysts on pancreas but no word about it. I’m seeing a another doctor closer to where I live.

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Good luck with your diagnosis.


Thank you for allowing me into the group. The following is my latest results from a MRCP I had done

PANCREAS: Multiple cystic lesions are redemonstrated. There are 2 dominant lesions in the head measuring 2.0 x 1.7 cm and 2.2 x 1.4 cm, These both show demonstratable communication with the main pancreatic duct. There numerous additional smaller cystic lesions that appear stable. No mass or ductal dilatation.

I'm waiting for input from my doctor as to what should be done next. Has anyone had a similar experience and can tell me what to ask my doctor. Needless to say, I'm very anxious about this.

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You need to ask when/if cysts turn into cancer. And should you take action now. Your cysts size is the exact dimension of the cancer lesion on my pancreas. You are lucky you caught this at cyst stage. Push for direction and use their experience. Get a second/ third opinion - this is your life.


Thank you for allowing me into the group. The following is my latest results from a MRCP I had done

PANCREAS: Multiple cystic lesions are redemonstrated. There are 2 dominant lesions in the head measuring 2.0 x 1.7 cm and 2.2 x 1.4 cm, These both show demonstratable communication with the main pancreatic duct. There numerous additional smaller cystic lesions that appear stable. No mass or ductal dilatation.

I'm waiting for input from my doctor as to what should be done next. Has anyone had a similar experience and can tell me what to ask my doctor. Needless to say, I'm very anxious about this.

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I had an MRI in June 2021 that indicated a 2cm cyst on the tail of the pancreas. I had an endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration, and the labs indicated a benign cyst. It was decided by surgeon to check out again a year later. The next MRI in June 2022 showed slow growth to 2.1cm. However, the main duct showed marked dilatation in the main duct. So, I had a distal pancreatectomy, and the pathology report indicated an adenocarcinoma that was removed cleanly in the surgery with no spread, but I am a stage 1b pancreatic cancer patient doing chemo treatment presently. I hope this a little helpful to you. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck.


Because the cysts were located in the branch ducts, it was determines by a team of doctors to follow up with another MRCP in 6 months, which will mean it will be done in April of 2023.


You need to ask when/if cysts turn into cancer. And should you take action now. Your cysts size is the exact dimension of the cancer lesion on my pancreas. You are lucky you caught this at cyst stage. Push for direction and use their experience. Get a second/ third opinion - this is your life.

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Thanks for your response. Were your lesions in the main duct or branch duct?


Thanks for your response. Were your lesions in the main duct or branch duct?

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Branch Duct.


Thank you for allowing me into the group. The following is my latest results from a MRCP I had done

PANCREAS: Multiple cystic lesions are redemonstrated. There are 2 dominant lesions in the head measuring 2.0 x 1.7 cm and 2.2 x 1.4 cm, These both show demonstratable communication with the main pancreatic duct. There numerous additional smaller cystic lesions that appear stable. No mass or ductal dilatation.

I'm waiting for input from my doctor as to what should be done next. Has anyone had a similar experience and can tell me what to ask my doctor. Needless to say, I'm very anxious about this.

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Dilated 7mm pancreatic duct was found incidental to a bout of diverticulitis in June of 2022. It had also been seen in 2013 when I had a kidney stone but I was not told about it 9 years ago. MRI/MRCP and EUS/ERCP in August of 2022 was benign. I have gotten 3 opinions, one doctor feels Whipple is inevitable. Another doctor feels it is not necessarily inevitable and a third feels I should have a prophylactic Whipple as I am in good health, no underlying conditions. Never had pancreatitis, no other symptoms. I am 70. Right now I am set up to monitor with an MRI every 6 months. I do have a pancreatic cyst at the head. Is anyone else monitoring these benign cysts and for how long? Thanks!


Dilated 7mm pancreatic duct was found incidental to a bout of diverticulitis in June of 2022. It had also been seen in 2013 when I had a kidney stone but I was not told about it 9 years ago. MRI/MRCP and EUS/ERCP in August of 2022 was benign. I have gotten 3 opinions, one doctor feels Whipple is inevitable. Another doctor feels it is not necessarily inevitable and a third feels I should have a prophylactic Whipple as I am in good health, no underlying conditions. Never had pancreatitis, no other symptoms. I am 70. Right now I am set up to monitor with an MRI every 6 months. I do have a pancreatic cyst at the head. Is anyone else monitoring these benign cysts and for how long? Thanks!

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During what I thought was to be diagnosed as diverticulitis, a 3.9mm Cyst was found on my Pancreas during a CT. This was June ‘22.

Went to Mayo Rochester. Had a subsequent CT in July along with a MRI and EUS . Decided that a EUS biopsy was too risky as it was close to veins - but it did not have characteristics of cancer. CA-19 was ‘16’.

I had a video visit with a Mayo surgeon (Dr. Smoot) who said that my particular lesion was 85/15 chance of being benign. The risk is high as the cyst is located in the back and in the head of the pancreas. Noted that since I am a bit overweight I am in the class of 50% for complications - and even @ Mayo the mortality rate is 1-2%. Therefore monitoring was recommended.

Mayo decided that a followup was prudent in October. CA-19 was ‘15’. Contrast MRI was inconclusive.

Mayo recommended followup in January (here in FL) at the Jacksonville Mayo Clinic. Just got the results 2 days ago. It was determined there was no change and the CA-19 was ‘16’,…THANK YOU GOD.

Additional monitoring will be done in 6 months @ Rochester Mayo,…and if no change then every year,…

So Monitoring, although making me anxious is the route they are pursuing. Best of luck and prayers for you.

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