I reversed osteoporosis without drugs

Posted by sheilad1 @sheilad1, Dec 28, 2022

I had my bone quality test yesterday along with another bone density test. This was my third bone density test in 14 months.

My first bone density test was Nov 2021.
I started consulting with different doctors. If I must take meds I would. But I had to get to the truth.
The physician who appeared to know the most is Keith McCormick DC the chiropractor who got osteoporosis at a very young age and really understands it.

That first DEXA scan showed I had mild osteoperosis of the spine, within the margin of error.
So no McCormick said to take the CTX (blood) test and a few others.
CTX was good.
My CTX shows that the osteoclasts are not breaking down too much bone. therefore, my next bone density test shouldn’t show that that I am much worse.

I decided not to wait until 2 years for another scan and took
I took another bone density (aka DEXA) scan 10/2022 to see if that was true about the CTX.
My spine was actually better in that scan and it was now osteopenia.
My hip was a little worse bringing it outside the margin of error. McCormick said this was a tough call so I said to him why don’t I get a bone quality test (that he told me about) and I figured that will buy me a little time anyway lol.

Unfortunately, the bone quality test only measures the spine.
Since it’s unusual for your spine to get better and your hip to get worse, it made me think - what have I done differently since the last test? Why would my spine improve but not my hip? What is my spine doing that my hip is not?

I decided it had to be the Supernatural virtual reality exercise app that I exercise to (on the oculus quest VR helmet). Even though I am striking the air, there actually is resistance, and I push hard to hit it as powerfully as I can.

I decided to put weights on my ankles. Everything I read says weight training should be once or twice a week, and I certainly only did it once.

Back to yesterday and the bone quality (TBS) test and yet another bone density (DEXA) test.
My hip was back to where it was on the first test. This put me back inside the margin of error where I would not have to take medication
This demonstrated to me that the CTX score did in fact mean I'm not losing density quickly.
Yesterday's test shows that my spine continued to improve and my bone density score was no longerosteopenia. It was normal. My bone quality test was great. The tech really loved it and called me over to show me how I was completely in the green meaning It was normal which is a little unusual at my age, 74, altogether.

I may be wrong about supernatural helping.
I’ll probably take the DEXA again in six months because I am anxious to see how the hip does, and if it improves even more.
And if so, I’ll turn myself into a study. 😂

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


Here are my results. I'll try to get the full TBS results up here too.

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Here are the full DEXA and TBS results from my last test. I consult with Keith McCormick DC who I can't say enough great things about, who was impressed with the DEXA being much more comprehensive than most. The office I did this at does research studies. There are only two places in all of South Florida, both in Miami that do the TBS. And we're lucky to have that.


If I may join your conversation....
I was doing reclast infusions every year. My dexascan score stayed the same but did not improve. I started reading about taking collagen. Some women reported improved Dexascan scores after being on it. I still take my calcium and I take a liquid vitamin D3 and K2 that I put under my tongue. I purchase it from the same company as the collagen. I take magnesium 3 days a week also. I worry as to whether I'm doing the right thing. Guess I'll know when I get my next dexascan. You know you can only have them every two years.

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Hi, Can you please tell me where you get your supplements, i.e liquid vit D and K2? The choices are so overwhelming so I would like to get what others have chosen Thanks! Barb


Here are my results. I'll try to get the full TBS results up here too.

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@sheilad1 what is the date for the third one from the left?

I see the typical confused pattern of DEXA's that make year to year comparisons so difficult. From 2021 to 2022 your spine improved 0.2 but this may not be significant: at least my reports have this kind of variation. Your total hip worsened by 0.3, Ditto. The femoral neck improved by 0.4 but my report always said not to rely on femoral neck values to measure change.

I am curious about the undated one because I don't see improvement or worsening in comparing 2021-22 if you look at the whole picture. But with osteoporosis holding steady is certainly better than losing!

The undated one has a drop for spine, same value for femora neck and improvement in total hip , compared to either 2021 or 2022, so again, mixed results!


Hi, Can you please tell me where you get your supplements, i.e liquid vit D and K2? The choices are so overwhelming so I would like to get what others have chosen Thanks! Barb

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I get my liquid Vitamin D3 K2 from Native Path. Also my collagen. I have only been taking a couple of months so I haven't verified any results yet.


@sheilad1 what is the date for the third one from the left?

I see the typical confused pattern of DEXA's that make year to year comparisons so difficult. From 2021 to 2022 your spine improved 0.2 but this may not be significant: at least my reports have this kind of variation. Your total hip worsened by 0.3, Ditto. The femoral neck improved by 0.4 but my report always said not to rely on femoral neck values to measure change.

I am curious about the undated one because I don't see improvement or worsening in comparing 2021-22 if you look at the whole picture. But with osteoporosis holding steady is certainly better than losing!

The undated one has a drop for spine, same value for femora neck and improvement in total hip , compared to either 2021 or 2022, so again, mixed results!

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I never had my spine get worse. 11/21 was when my spine showed osteoperosis. 10/22 my spine showed osteopenia and 12/22 my spine was normal.


I never had my spine get worse. 11/21 was when my spine showed osteoperosis. 10/22 my spine showed osteopenia and 12/22 my spine was normal.

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@sheiladad1 I don't see that looking specifically at your spinal score your reports- and I don't think you can transition from osteopenia to normal in two months. I see -.7 for 2021 and -.5 for 2022 which is not a significant difference and both are normal. Maybe I am reading it wrong.

The first batch you posted had DEXA scores that were not dated and spine was -1. Was that 2020? A score of -1 is barely osteopenia (-1- to -2.5) and a DEXA, with its variations, could easily toggle between osteopenia and normal.

I also see Keith McCormick but he urged me to take meds. I won't post any more on this but it is important to clarify when you are posting about improvements without meds.

I have 7 fractures. I just don't want anyone else to fracture!


Can anyone address the issue of calcium supplements if you have heart disease? I go to an integrative medicine practice, all doctors are MDs, and the head doc told me NOT to take calcium supplements because the calcium would go straight to my heart. I have significant osteoporosis, am injecting Tymlos daily. I try to eat calcium-rich foods, but the heart disease has me off saturated fats, so that cuts out a lot of dairy. I am a bit nervous about being off calcium supplements and wondering if anyone has received the same warning.


Can anyone address the issue of calcium supplements if you have heart disease? I go to an integrative medicine practice, all doctors are MDs, and the head doc told me NOT to take calcium supplements because the calcium would go straight to my heart. I have significant osteoporosis, am injecting Tymlos daily. I try to eat calcium-rich foods, but the heart disease has me off saturated fats, so that cuts out a lot of dairy. I am a bit nervous about being off calcium supplements and wondering if anyone has received the same warning.

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In the COMB study they used food only calcium…I have history of heart issue in my family so I avoid calcium pills. It is not guaranteed that a pill will magically end up in your bones! Studies have shown artery issues with pills. If you must, take tiny dosage to supplement a good diet. Get your calcium levels checked.
My opinion after reading and my personal fear of causing other problems! These pills go thru your whole system.. not just to where you want them.
I am trying to find a magnesium supplement that does not send me running to the bathroom. I have tried 4 different types. No good one on any dose. Another supplement with absorption issues. ..


In the COMB study they used food only calcium…I have history of heart issue in my family so I avoid calcium pills. It is not guaranteed that a pill will magically end up in your bones! Studies have shown artery issues with pills. If you must, take tiny dosage to supplement a good diet. Get your calcium levels checked.
My opinion after reading and my personal fear of causing other problems! These pills go thru your whole system.. not just to where you want them.
I am trying to find a magnesium supplement that does not send me running to the bathroom. I have tried 4 different types. No good one on any dose. Another supplement with absorption issues. ..

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Maybe you can reach the RDA of 300 mg with food only? Here is a table showing the magnesium contents of a variety of foods:
For example, a peanut butter sandwich on 2 slices of bread with a glass of milk supplies 120 mg of magnesium, and makes a protein rich breakfast or lunch.
Have you tried to figure out how much magnesium you consume in a day?


Can anyone address the issue of calcium supplements if you have heart disease? I go to an integrative medicine practice, all doctors are MDs, and the head doc told me NOT to take calcium supplements because the calcium would go straight to my heart. I have significant osteoporosis, am injecting Tymlos daily. I try to eat calcium-rich foods, but the heart disease has me off saturated fats, so that cuts out a lot of dairy. I am a bit nervous about being off calcium supplements and wondering if anyone has received the same warning.

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Because my cholesterol LDLs were high I was told to have a calcium scan. My score was very high. I am in the 91% for women my age. I was told not to take calcium supplements. I have a cup of yogurt, a cup of kale daily. I lowered my protein intake and sodium intake which I was told reduces the need for calcium.

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