← Return to Bowel obstructions caused by adhesions following abdominal surgery

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I had my initial colon surgery to remove my tumor in June 2019. I needed a second emergency surgery 10 days later. I started chemo and immediately developed horrible diarrhea and spasms. They had me stop the xeloda, and a few days later I developed horrible abdominal pain requiring me to be transported to hospital. I had a SBO caused by adhesions. They did multiple things to try and clear it (the last being a small bowel follow through scan) and at that point, I started throwing up contrast mixed with stool so ended up having surgery. He got rid of 15 cm of small bowel and removed tons of adhesions. But my bowel was nicked (we didn’t know) and I developed a leak. This turned into a fistula that eventually turned into a perforation and sepsis. When they repaired the perforation, he removed more adhesions. I haven’t had any obstructions since but have had a few times where I felt the symptoms coming on. I immediately stop eating, drown myself with fluids, heating pad and massage constantly. It’s always in the same place and I can deeply massage until the pain clears.
The obstruction was very stressful and mentally wrecked me for a good three or four months. My husband was out of town and I had to leave my kids by themselves for hours while he flew home. The pain was horrific and the NG tube was awful so I feel for your wife a lot. I would recommend surgery for her

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Replies to "I had my initial colon surgery to remove my tumor in June 2019. I needed a..."

I am so sorry to hear all that. I hope you are feeling better, and I really like the ways you are self managing - I follow a similar regimen when I feel a SBO coming on... massage, heat, liquid diet, etc.

I am soooo sorry to hear of all you went through !! I suffered PTSD from my perforated bowel obstruction which burst my bowel. I also remember I had sepsis as well. Had a colostomy placed. Hospitalized three weeks without a doctor as the ER doc who performed surgery went on vacation the next day and I was left with five residents making my medical decisions. Came down with a secondary infection. I was put in all the worst rooms in the hospital. They ran out of my colostomy bags! Ran out of my meds. One room was leaking water on my clean clothes. PT people would come to pound my back to keep pneumonia away, every day at lunchtime while I was eating and never came back later on. I'm surprised I survived that whole 3 weeks in the hospital! To this day when I feel the need to be traumatized, I look at the photos of my stomach and the hospital records.......when doctors don't know what they are doing, which I find is happening more and more, the patient gets mentally destroyed. I can't imagine going through what you did with children at home!