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I've taken a probably less tradition approach. Doctors to my mind will start out thinking along the lines of the more common diagnoses it seems before progressing along to the heavy hitter ones. I just went ahead and paid out of pocket for a serum test that looks for 50 cancers. At the time I did this last year a clinical trial was still being conducted on the test about 50 miles away from me. Had I driven there they would have overseen any necessary follow-up care. This test isn't infallible by any means, or suit everybody. There is a cheaper version I hear that offers less in the way of test results.

I had a lot of troubling symptoms, wasn't satisfied with my doctor's pace, felt age was no longer on my side, so I went this route. I discussed it with a specialist doctor (I self pay also to see) first and she said in a very matter of fact way that some of her patients choose to take this test and some of her patients don't. I went for it and have found the results thankfully reassuring while my primary doctor moves along at their set pace.

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Replies to "I've taken a probably less tradition approach. Doctors to my mind will start out thinking along..."

I think we definitely have to be proactive for ourselves. I never thought it would be this difficult to obtain just basic care and concern. Today has been absolutely horrible, to the point I was thinking er. I have slept over 3 hrs a night in weeks. Mayne I will feel some better tomorrow, and get back up, and start moving forward some direction. I am kinda getting down in the dumps because I keep paying out of pocket all this money,and I am no closer. Feel like I ha e to..prove their is something wrong with me ,not only to Dr's but family. They all see the weight loss,and the blood loss,but expect me to go about every day like there is nothing wrong ..I guess because I do t ha e a named condition yet.