← Return to Post COVID: Anyone experiencing internal vibrations?

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Yes, I also have internal vibrations mostly coming on at night and not all the time. I have autonomic neuropathy (peripheral neuropathy all over my body including my head) and POTS due to long Covid. I also have strong pulsing sensation in my head at all times. As well as heart palpitations, my heart pounds heavily even is I have a pulse of 55 lying in bed. My head gets overstimulated as the day goes on and then I don't tolerate lights and sounds. All my tests and MRIs came back normal, except for my ANA title (1:360).
The neurologist is calling in an immune inflammatory response post Covid.

Things that are helping me:
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (it is anti-inflammatory and anti-viral and helps with nerve regeneration). It helped reduce my headache and I have more energy) I will do 20 sessions in total, only done 4 so far.
- I drink excessively and eat 2 tsp of salt every day (mainly for POTS)
- Vitamins: NAC, CoQ10, probiotics, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12
- Since my immune system is constantly overreacting and causing inflammation, I take Claritin every day, which is helpful. Or you can take Benadryl at night, which helps you sleep. There are also some D-hist supplements I use.
- When vibrations come on, I use tapping, which helps and can make them stop and I massage my neck.
- I also purchased a Vagus nerve stimulator recently (can't tell results yet)
- I eat a low histamine and anti-inflammatory diet (definitely no gluten, no sugar, no coffee, no alcohol - although I sometimes make an exception)

Good luck to everyone who is dealing with long Covid! It's been a struggle but I am trying to stay positive.

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Replies to "Yes, I also have internal vibrations mostly coming on at night and not all the time...."

I am new to this site and so appreciate your sharing what has worked. I have sought help with what I call the waves that I can only explain as stretching first thing in morning times a hundred. First time heard tapping and cant thank enough for at least another option!