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Not sure if I have replied to this site before so I'll start anew. I have taken Evenity 9 times now but noticed about 3-4 months ago (shots 5-8) that I had increased stiffness and some pain in my hands. Nothing intense at the beginning just one metacarpal knuckle on each hand. But that progressed over time to other joints. It seemed to get better by the end of the day. The discomfort seemed to ebb and flow. In November my right wrist/ base of thumb hurt to bend it if I tried to pick something up. The ortho doc said arthritis and maybe that is true I am older. But I started to question that Evenity might be a contributing factor. My endo didn't think so and the ortho wouldn't commit but said I had arthritis and thought the stiffness could be a connective tissue thing. I waited 6 weeks between shots and my joints felt better but it just wasn't clear the role of Evenity was playing . I wanted to continue with the drug my bone density in my spine is low and it offered to increase that. So I did a little experiment with me the subject. I took the 9th shot and within 3 days the stiffnesss returned and the pain in my wrist at the base of the thumb has gotten worse. It's been two weeks and the stiffness and joint pain is still with me; voltaren and tylenol help plus keeping active. I saw on a previous post the half life of Evenity is 12 days so I have fond hopes by the end of 1 month the drug will be decreased enough to alleviate the joint issues. At any rate I will no longer be taking Evenity. I'm comfortable with my decision and on the plus side I have 9 months of gains and that will just have to be enough. I'll probably follow up with Reclast.

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Replies to "Not sure if I have replied to this site before so I'll start anew. I have..."

I appreciate that knowledge. My doctor tried to push it on me and I was afraid but I went ahead and did the two doses. I also got a Covid booster in between. I have been sick every sense so I have no idea what caused it but my insurance only covers Prolia so that’s what I’m sticking with, but thank you so much for that information. I have one question do you have pain in your arm Where they gave you the shot? I still feel pain where I received the shots .