Atypical lobular hyperplasia: Did you have surgery?

Posted by delormv @delormv, Aug 29, 2022

August 2021, I was diagnosed with invasive DCIS in my left breast. I underwent a lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation. I am currently on Anastrozole. August 2022, ALH was incidentally found in my right breast after a biopsy was performed due to microcalcifications found on a mammogram. My surgical oncologist stated that ALH does not need to be surgically removed since it is not cancer. Has anyone else been diagnosed with ALH and not had it removed? Have others had theirs removed? Thank you 🙏

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Yes, I had it removed. My surgeon wants me to see an oncologist about taking Tamoxifen. I am not doing this because my sister had terrible side effects. Scared but agreed to get breast MRI’s annually


How old was your daughter?

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She is 50


Thank you! I am 67 and had the Ahl tissue removed. Now, I have to see an oncologist for more advice. My breast surgeon thinks Tamoxifen would be suitable for me. I will not take this because my sister had terrible side effects. I don’t think I want to do anything.


@rebecca55 thank you so much for responding and sharing your experience. After your appointment with the oncologist, would you mind sharing the recommendations? Thank you 🙏

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Yes, sure will!


Mine turned into full blown breast cancer because my doctor left it there. He said he was going to watch it monitor it. Three years later was breast cancer lobular aggressive cancer. I pound up getting a double mastectomy and implants. They found a different kind of cancer in my other breast. I got good treatment at Sloan Kettering and thank god I’m still here. That was 20 years ago. Atypical cells turn into cancer. Hope you are well and have a merry Christmas


Mine turned into full blown breast cancer because my doctor left it there. He said he was going to watch it monitor it. Three years later was breast cancer lobular aggressive cancer. I pound up getting a double mastectomy and implants. They found a different kind of cancer in my other breast. I got good treatment at Sloan Kettering and thank god I’m still here. That was 20 years ago. Atypical cells turn into cancer. Hope you are well and have a merry Christmas

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FYI Lobular breast cancer doesn’t show in a mammogram.


I had ADH in 2003. It was found due to micro calcifications. It was removed with clean margins and I was put on Tamoxifen 5 years then Raloxifene 7 years. I was wAtched high risk and 20 years later had DCIS twice. I Finally had mastectomy.
I would get another opinion regarding leaving it.


Yes, I was diagnosed in October. Had it removed and now being sent to an Oncologist


I had my removed and was referred to an oncologist. So scared


How old was your daughter?

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