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How susceptible we are to infections

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Dec 24, 2022 | Replies (12)

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It's interesting that this topic appeared today. I just asked my pulmonologist about this last week...telling him that after nearly 3 years of almost total isolation (and every vaccine known to man), I'm coming a little unhinged. His reply was to "live my life." However, the caveat was no indoor area with folks who aren't masked, i.e., restaurants, theaters, concerts, church, etc., and no outdoor areas where I might be in close contact with anyone. So how exactly does one live her life? My social interactions are with my doctors and the kind folks at Baggins who bring my sandwich to my car once a week. I have a lovely home, a Border collie best friend and companion, and a wonderful husband of nearly 40 years that I try not to pounce on when he walks in the door from the office. I have much to be grateful for - and I am! But I am worn out with this pandemic and worrying about exacerbating my already fragile lungs with another infection. Thanks for letting me vent - and Happy Holidays!

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Replies to "It's interesting that this topic appeared today. I just asked my pulmonologist about this last week...telling..."

Your instructions as to how to live with cautions are similar to ones we were given however you seem to be more energetic and in better health than my spouse. I posted earlier on this subject. The chronic coughing and chronic fatigue are such now that we couldn’t go inside anywhere. Hopefully that will improve once pulmonary rehab starts in Feb. but I still think we would adhere to our isolation because I see so few people with masks these days. I do go out to buy groceries and pick up meds and rarely see masks. Many who wear them fail to cover their noses.
Many aren’t vaxed because not politically correct here. Too risky for us at this juncture. Merry Christmas to everyone! 🎄