← Return to Fluids building in abdomen - is there any natural way to relieve this

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He did have metastasis to the live but his last scan showed nothing in his liver
Our oncologist is not very helpful which is why I finally posted here - I need the knowledge your posts offer to be able to ask the oncologist questions other than from my own research
It has proved to be very helpful with the experiences posted
My husband has faired fairly well since his diagnosis a year and a half ago but the chemo is wearing on him and his outlook is dim
Our oncologist has 72 plus hours to respond to us which will be Monday - so I will see if I can get him some relief then.
Thank you

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Replies to "He did have metastasis to the live but his last scan showed nothing in his liver..."

Pottsy, I’m sorry that communication with the oncologist is challenging. I’m tagging a few other members who have familiarity with abdominal fluid (ascites) like @digibson @rosemarya @keepmoving2 @ja5747.

While no cancer lesions were seen on his liver at the time of his last scan, you may wish to ask the oncologist if a) he has ascites and b) about his liver function.

Hi - just following up if there is any additional news and if you need to know anything else about ascites? I am hoping that you received more and better information from your husband's oncologist. Fingers crossed.