Breast Cancer and Neuropathy

Posted by mat71 @mat71, Sep 22, 2016

Greetings to members just getting started and those that like me are in survivor ship mode. My aily prayer always s include my sisters and brothers in the fight. Can anyone tell me if they have neuropathy sensations from taking Medication daily(Letrozole) . I have had this now for almost 3 yrs. AM taking B complex tablets daily it has lessened it but it still happens some times very severe. But if this is all i got along with the interrupted sleep patterns, elevated cholesteral, weight gain( I work out 4-6x a wk and diet control) so just the little battles are okay but that neuropathy is not good. hang in there . .

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I don’t know if any of you do this but my Oncologist put me on Claritin to help with the bone pain and neuropathy and it really helps. I wish they would have told me about this in 2011 when I had my first round of breast cancer. Now I have MBC in my bones, liver and lymph nodes and it works well. I take my AI in the morning with the Claritin and my Ibrance at night with my dinner. In the early morning hours I can tell I need another Claritin because my pain comes back very quickly. Ask your DR about it. It works great for me. Just regular Claritin not the D version.


You are exactly right about taking Claritin for bone pain!

I was told to take it during chemo when I had my Neulasta injections and it really helped.

In fact, that’s been over three years ago and I still take it along with my AI. I think it helps with that too.

I tell folks that you can also buy the generic Claritin at Walmart for a lot less that has the exact same formula. ♥️


You are exactly right about taking Claritin for bone pain!

I was told to take it during chemo when I had my Neulasta injections and it really helped.

In fact, that’s been over three years ago and I still take it along with my AI. I think it helps with that too.

I tell folks that you can also buy the generic Claritin at Walmart for a lot less that has the exact same formula. ♥️

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Yep, that’s where I get mine.


I developed neuropathy in my feet and three fingers in both hands as a result of chemotherapy after my mastectomy. I do take one gabapentin before bed. I also do acupuncture once a month. That really helps for about 2 weeks at a time. I recently participated in a research study where I was prescribed a CBD cream to apply to the affected areas twice a day. I could tell a difference after about 3 days. I was able to buy some and continue to get relief using it once a day. I cannot say the neuropathy is totally gone but it is 80-90% better. Sometimes I think the pain is arthritis related. Blessings to all. Thanks for “listening” to my story. We can learn so much from each other.


Oooooh, I never thought to do the Claritin for my neuropathy going to start that today! Also did it for my Neulasta and it worked like a charm. I still have a box from Walmart, woot!

I'm 40, started treatments 2 years ago at 38 and developed a little bit of neuropathy on my toes from the 12 rounds of taxol I did after the A/C, and then developed radiation-induced brachial plexus neuropathy post radiation last year in 2021. There's a thread for that here on mayo clinic, it's how I got on these message boards, the condition is so rare that I was only able to find two first-hand experiences with it for my internet search - one being a lady on here.


Same for me. Mine started after starting letrozol.

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