Can gabapentin cause muscle pain and cramps in arms & legs?

Posted by sadeyes @sadeyes, Jan 28, 2020

Has anyone ever had the experience of Gabapentin causing severe muscle cramps in arms and legs and muscular pain and feeling of weakness? I know it is supposed to basically do the opposite and help with muscular problems......but this has happened twice to me as soon as I started the gaba and it was very severe,

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Please, a simple answer. Can Gabapentin cause leg cramps? I take 300 mg gabapentin in the morning, 200 mg at lunch and 200 at dinner. Last night I had a leg cramp so severe it rolled me off the bed and lasted for about 5 minutes. Enough pain to make a grown man want to cry. I was concerned that going back to sleep might trigger the cramp again. I have peripheral neuropathy, arthritis and vertical foramen stenosis. I take 220 mg of Naproxen twice a day and about 3000 mg Acetaminophen . I realize I asked for a simple answer then rambled on about meds but it is Gabapentin I am concerned with

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@dunkinmacdougall Hi, I see many questions in these forums that ask others if they think or have experienced issue from certain medications. It's a valid question. First if you read or research the list of side effects that come with theses meds, and combine that with the problems you are having with legs, feet, or wha have you, your answer is there. Looking for drugs alone to remove a problem alone long term is likely not going to solve a problem. Therapy and exercise, along with diet and daily care is going to help. The real question is does what you are taking in combination causing you the pain? Meaning you may have answered your own question to the affirmative just by asking. Real question which one in the combo is the culprit?


yes for me had 2 tries and decided gabapentin not for me , each time different problems but each due to the meds.


YES .I suffer from Neurophathy in legs and Restless Leg Syndrome.Nerve conduction tests confirmed the Neuro.I have taken Gabapentin for years. On and off. Last evening I took 400mg for the RLS. I woke up screaming in pain with cramp from knee to foot. I have suspected the Gabapentin but now I k now. I will stop it. Another thing that causes muscle cramps is Chlorthalidone for high BP. I have stopped that and my Doc is going to give me something else.He said he is not a fan of it.I have CKD so must be careful. I am 85 yrs old. and if I have learned one thing its. Research Research Research.I am new here as Feb 3,2020. Nice to meet you all, and lets help each other with all these meds.

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I am 81 years old female I have been taking gabapentin
For sciatica. I dont think it works but now I am having leg cramps and I have to titrate off of gabapentin. It seems I can not win


I have been taking gabapentin for sciatica
It appears to me the
Sciatica is gone but now I have very bad muscle pain up and down my leg especially
In my thigh. It's very depressing


I am 81 years old female I have been taking gabapentin
For sciatica. I dont think it works but now I am having leg cramps and I have to titrate off of gabapentin. It seems I can not win

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I think I was having the leg issue after years of taking it! I could not say for sure. Maybe It's long term where some have issues. Large doses @ 1200 mg. was needed for my needs at the time. I think drugs work and do their magic, and can stop after a while. Makes sense that pain will return when a drugs stops working. It really is a vicious cycle, but timing is everything. 🙂


I was wondering if the peripheral neuropathy itself was more likely the cause of muscle cramps than the Gabapentin.
What about adequate intake of calcium, potassium, and magnesium?
Just curious.
Take care,


I have Myoclonus (Jerky legs). I was prescribed Gabapentin. Not only does it not stop my jerking legs, but I have developed painful ankle cramps most nights. I am wondering if there is another option for my Myoclonus that also seems to be related to insomnia.


I think I was having the leg issue after years of taking it! I could not say for sure. Maybe It's long term where some have issues. Large doses @ 1200 mg. was needed for my needs at the time. I think drugs work and do their magic, and can stop after a while. Makes sense that pain will return when a drugs stops working. It really is a vicious cycle, but timing is everything. 🙂

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Hi Don, @jakedduck1 & @macice - I think gabapentin isn't great for long term use. I now realize that when I was using it for back spasms, I had horrible nighttime leg cramps. When I went through pain management and got off, the cramps went away. Now I'm not so sure it was the therapy. Over many years, I have found a lot of drugs become less helpful over time, and either dose must be increased, or an alternative found. Also, some drugs are not so good for older bodies, and as we add meds for other conditions, random interactions begin...

My husband never was helped by gabapentin, which is too bad since he has some diabetic neuropathy.

Medicine is such a complex art and science, and the human body such a complex entity, I am surprised that so many meds work across wide populations.



I started Gaba’ a few weeks ago for the increasing neuropathy caused by Ibrance replacing 10 years of Letrozole I’d been taking since diagnosed with MBC 12 years ago (34 years after original breast cancer surgery at age 26).
Within days of starting Gabapentin I had crippling back pain and leg cramps. (But I also started infusion and Xgeva). The cramps and back pain subsided within a few days of regular, slow, painful walking (with walking stick). Oncologist put me back on the “ramping” up of the Gabapentin. No new pains and (along with Prozac) it’s actually helping with the neuropathy.
As a side: I’ve always used medical marijuana since first diagnosed in the 1970’s (no chemo or radiation, just surgery). Except for the five years before my stage 4 MBC diagnosis (at age 60 — moved to a different state) where not readily available. CBD/THC helped with overall mood, positive attitude and other cancer pains, but not the neuropathy.
I’ll be 73 this year and am 7 months into my second recurrence in liver and bones. The two best things I’ve done for my well-being are (1) rescued a 14 year old Jack Russell Terrier, and with walking said dog, kept up my spirits lost nearly 100 lbs.
Take active part in your therapy, educate yourself as much as possible — there are so many new therapies — and be kind to yourself. 🫶🏼


I started Gaba’ a few weeks ago for the increasing neuropathy caused by Ibrance replacing 10 years of Letrozole I’d been taking since diagnosed with MBC 12 years ago (34 years after original breast cancer surgery at age 26).
Within days of starting Gabapentin I had crippling back pain and leg cramps. (But I also started infusion and Xgeva). The cramps and back pain subsided within a few days of regular, slow, painful walking (with walking stick). Oncologist put me back on the “ramping” up of the Gabapentin. No new pains and (along with Prozac) it’s actually helping with the neuropathy.
As a side: I’ve always used medical marijuana since first diagnosed in the 1970’s (no chemo or radiation, just surgery). Except for the five years before my stage 4 MBC diagnosis (at age 60 — moved to a different state) where not readily available. CBD/THC helped with overall mood, positive attitude and other cancer pains, but not the neuropathy.
I’ll be 73 this year and am 7 months into my second recurrence in liver and bones. The two best things I’ve done for my well-being are (1) rescued a 14 year old Jack Russell Terrier, and with walking said dog, kept up my spirits lost nearly 100 lbs.
Take active part in your therapy, educate yourself as much as possible — there are so many new therapies — and be kind to yourself. 🫶🏼

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@sallymayo22 What an inspiration you are! You are so brave rescuing a 14 year old poochie. I couldn't deal with the potential heartbreak of the short years remaining for my furry friend. Any dog lover is a good person.

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