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I've noticed a lot of long covid patients seem to have a past history with some of their most impactive symptoms (Like myself). While I'm not a doctor, I wonder if most of our problems relate to how the vaccines and booster work to combat Covid. My understanding is the vaccines are not actual viruses as in the past, but they simply trick our immune systems to respond to Covid even though there is no virus to be found. My concern is the methodology of tricking the immune to battle covid is now haywire and attacking cells in old past injuries.

I had a decades old gastric problem that was finally identified as an upper intestine diverticulosis problem and I started treating it as such about a year ago and felt better than ever (15 years of pain gone). Then once I caught Covid and started my Long Covid experience the gastric problems came back tenfold. Because of this I had a second filming of my upper intestine and the doctor was amazed at the apparent improvement - yet the pain and complications are still greater than I ever experience prior to Covid. Other old injuries - complications are also showing up - nerve damage due to skeletal misalignment and resulting hip replacement are now on fire all up and down the right side of my body. It seems like all old pains have come back to roost only now more painful.
1 - So, I wonder is it my tricked autoimmune system causing me so much grief?
2 - Why aren't they FDA approved by now? I believe they are still under emergency approval status?
3 - 3 years millions of cases and still not enough data to approve or at a minimum list the side affects? Being 75 I get every medication add known to man and woman and pronouns on my tv and along with the 30 second ad I get 90 seconds of side effects from heartburn to death yet my Covid vaccine ad from Phiser and Moderna simply implies if you don't get it you and your family will die. No second alert that taking this medicine "might kill you too". Why aren't they required to list potential side effects in their commercials?
4 - Where is the government in all of this? Testing has ceased, Masking and distancing has gone. China is going to follow the lead of big business and drop all their protocols here at Christmas time and the World will get a new Covid Christmas present for the holidays. You do remember it was one person in NY City that started the pandemic - we will soon have millions flying around the world spreading new variants - maybe then when the number increases, they will have enough guinea pigs to figure out if Long Covid is a side effect of the vaccines or not?

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Replies to "I've noticed a lot of long covid patients seem to have a past history with some..."

Covid spike protein causing inflammation in your GI system, maybe?